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DH just called....

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We've been there, too. So sorry! I hope the interview on Friday pans out.

When dh was let go last time, his immediate supervisor gave him a head's up 2 days before. I really, really appreciated him doing this for him. It gave my dh a chance to train his face and emotions and go into that meeting with grace and dignity.

The unemployment lasted 16 months. He's been back to work a year this week, but part of me fears the loss of this job, too. I'm thinking that feeling won't ever go away.

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to tell me how pleasant everyone was when they let him know that his position has been eliminated, effective immediately. He has been at this job since May, after 22 months unemployed (although he was back in school most of that time). He has been nervous about some financial issues with his employer, so he has resumes out right now, and may even have an interview this Friday..... Still, it is a big jump to go from looking around for something to really needing it. This isn't the end of the world, but it is really, really crappy.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Oh honey! I'm so sorry. That just stinks. What a roller coaster ride you all have been on. I'm so sorry. :(

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to tell me how pleasant everyone was when they let him know that his position has been eliminated, effective immediately. He has been at this job since May, after 22 months unemployed (although he was back in school most of that time). He has been nervous about some financial issues with his employer, so he has resumes out right now, and may even have an interview this Friday..... Still, it is a big jump to go from looking around for something to really needing it. This isn't the end of the world, but it is really, really crappy.


How terrible! :grouphug:


Count me among the ranks of those hoping the interview yields good news.

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