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Can I have a jawm please?

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I have been in tears about this for two days, so please be gentle.


Why can't they just put barbed wire or some other barrier up to prevent this?http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/10662854/


I know these kids should know better, but it seems relatively easy to deter kids from doing that. Why don't we? We make home owners put secure fences around pools.

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This sends shivers up my spine.


My brother was electrocuted when he was 14 and climbed an electric pole just to look around at the view. He just wasn't thinking. But the hand grips had not been removed from the wooden pole, and workmen had left a *live* high-voltage line dangling.


The wire touched his head, causing third-degree burns that went into his skull, and the exit wound on his thigh.


Some medical staff said his heart probably stopped, but was re-started when his body hit the ground.


He is a wonderful husband and father, with five beautiful homeschooled kids. I am so glad we still have him with us. And so sad for the life cut short. His parents must feel as if time is standing still. Wishing they could turn back the clock just a bit.

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His parents must feel as if time is standing still. Wishing they could turn back the clock just a bit.


My son is 14. I've known too many incidents when people would do something so differently if they simply had those precious few moments back.


I stopped when I read this and asked him what he would do if he saw that sign. He laughed. I asked what he would do if his friends dared him to climb him. His response? You go first. Stop, Whoa, HOLD IT! You just laughed because you know that it's a dangerous thing, but you'd prod your friend to go first. This created a conversation about boys, testosterone, stupid antics, and the need to keep your wits to survive to adulthood. So if you're reading this I urge you to remind your children about the dangers of stupid tricks. My son fairly assumed the tower itself could not be powered. SO WHAT IF IT ISN'T! Maybe it is, I really don't know. But stay away! He's a smart respectful, non-risk taker of a kid, but apparently we haven't discussed this issue before. We don't have any of those type of lines near us, so it hadn't been an issue.

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I have a son that quite literally has to be medicated from doing those types of things. It is a heartbreaking and scary reality to live with. We are hoping that he will grow/mature out of it, but until then I live with a certain amount of dread.


This is my nightmare. :crying:

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I agree with you. We have a tower like that near our home. It used to be unfenced and I caught teens climbing it. I called 911 while I yelled at them to get down. Our city fenced it but the maintenance workers regularly leave the gate unlocked. I'm sure the city is tired of me calling to report the gate open but I couldn't bear to hear of the consequences if kids got killed because I didn't.

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