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Favorite Smoothies?

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I admit I'm a Jamba Juice girl. Love me some Peach Pleasure. lol


In an attempt to boost my nutrition prior/during to chemotherapy, I'm wanting to stock my kitchen with lots of good stuff with which to make smoothies...the more nutritious, the better. (Ugh, did I really say that? Remember I love Peach Pleasure from Jamba Juice.....be gentle. ;) Ease me into better nutrition...)

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This is the one I make for my son and myself. For each serving:


1 cup calcium-fortified orange juice

1 cup frozen strawberries

1/2 banana, frozen

1/2 banana, fresh

1 scoop protein/vitamin powder


I usually put in the juice, powder, frozen banana and berries in the blender first. Mine has an "ice crush" setting, and I start with that. Once the blade is moving freely, I add the other half of the banana and finish on the smoothie setting.


For the powder, I use a mixture of strawberry flavored Spirutein and Naturade's Soy-free Veg Protein Booster.

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Smoothies made here daily. Dh and I always have the same thing. To make two, I put a large spoonful of yogurt, about a third of a cup of milk, a whole banana, and almost three cups of frozen fruit- sliced strawberries and a mixed fruit blend from Sam's that has strawberries, pineapple, peaches, and mango. Blend until smooth, adding a bit of milk if it's too thick.


We like the yogurt/milk addition because it makes the smoothie creamy, and because we don't typically drink or eat milk or yogurt.


This recipe yields enough to fill both our 12 ounce Tervis tumblers.


I'd love to hear more about protein powder.

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Our daily smoothie is this:


1/2-1cup vanilla rice milk

1 cup orange juice

1 banana

1/2 - 1 cup frozen fruit

big scoop protein powder

1 tbsp 3-6-9 oil or sometimes coconut oil if we haven't used it much in cooking.

Sometimes I toss in some ground flax



I double this recipe and share it with the kids.

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I usually just throw stuff in the blender until it looks good. :) Do you care about color?


Here's a pretty normal morning:



  • Greek yogurt (Lots of protein, you could use a flavored one since you're used to a sweeter smoothie. We use full fat since my LO needs the calories, and it keeps our tummies happy longer.)
  • Fresh spinach (maybe about two cups or a little more)
  • Two handfulls of frozen strawberries
  • 1/2 or 1 banana depending on what I have
  • Usually some frozen pineapple or blueberries (when you put in the blueberries it gets to be a brown color that may not be very appetizing at first)
  • Scoop of unflavored whey protein powder
  • Maybe 2 tsp of coconut oil (once again, my little guy could use the calories, and it makes it more filling)
  • Sprinkle of flax if I remember
  • Milk until I get the consistency I want (maybe use juice if you want it sweeter)



Really though, I put in anything I have. Extra melon? Throw it in. Oranges on sale? Throw them in. Baby carrots sitting around? Throw them in. You get the idea. :)


One of my favorites that I came up with randomly is watermelon and honeydew.


Makes enough for me, my hubby, and my almost two year old (but he's no slouch when it comes to smoothie consumption).

Edited by Annie
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These are great! I'll stock the freezer with frozen fruit and toss in whatever fruit or veggies are laying around, too.


And I'm thrilled to see some spinach tossed in. I was wondering how to add some green...this is a good start for me.


I just did a yogurt, banana, and orange with ice. It's creamy, sweet (because the yogurt was) and tart. Not a bad start. The ice didn't crush up like I wanted...gotta work on that.


Thank you for the ideas. Can't wait to try them.

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I don't measure, buis this week's blend is:


1 banana

Handful of frozen strawberries

Handful of frozen peaches (or canned, or fresh)

1-2 cups orange juice

A big glop of yogurt (1/2 - 1 cup)

Cup of milk

Squirt of honey


Blend till smooth. Add more milk it it's too thick. It makes two giant servings or three normal ones.

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I was just thinking that I wanted new smoothie recipes. Anyone have any "green" smoothie recipes that taste yummy and fruity? We don't want anything with fruit juice really.


You could add a handful of baby spinach to any of the above recipes, or any concoction of your own, and make it a green smoothie. That's what I do. If you don't like it to look green, the berries take that away, so be sure to use berries. A banana or two is needed to cover the heavy greens taste, especially if you use another type of green. I've also used spirulina powder, too, instead of fresh greens.

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Our daily breakfast smoothie (layered from bottom to top):


1/2 cup chopped spinach (I pre-chop and freeze in sandwich bags)

1 c. frozen blueberries

2 frozen bananas

1 fresh banana (if DH is home and I need "extra")

1 orange

1 avocado OR 2-3 T. peanut butter

1/2 c. finely ground oatmeal

2 T. ground flax seed

1 c. plain yogurt

1/2 c. carrot juice

3/4 c. milk (we use soy)

2 T. crushed pineapple

1 tsp. vanilla


I have a cruddy blender, but if I stir it while it's blending it comes out smooth and very refreshing. It makes about 3-4 servings, about 330 calories per serving.

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I make a smoothie for dh every morning. This is usually what is in it:


1 banana

a slug or 2 of kefir

some frozen cranberries

some frozen blueberries

a large handful of whatever greens I have-spinach, kale, collard greens, swiss chard.


Sometimes, I use mixed berries or add some currants, or an avocado, or anything else I have on hand.

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A good way to ease into it... think tropical!


- glob of vanilla yogurt

- fresh banana

- dump in frozen tropical fruit (My Costco has a great big bag that has strawberries, papaya, mango, pineapple)

- more frozen strawberries (the above bag doesn't have very many)

- orange, pineapple or mango juice (whatever you feel like)

- squeeze of flax seed oil or ground flax seed

- big scoop of either soy or whey protein powder


- and the final yummy - a little squeeze of the coconut stuff that goes into Pina Colota's. I know - it probably has sugar in it, but it is awesome in there.


- Sometimes, I will also drop a scoop of orange or pineapple sherbert in.


- (All you need now is a little drink umbrella, a beach chair, a secluded cove and a good book):D

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I was just thinking that I wanted new smoothie recipes. Anyone have any "green" smoothie recipes that taste yummy and fruity? We don't want anything with fruit juice really.


I have been making one lately with:


frozen strawberries

orange segments

fresh or frozen blueberries or blackberries

handful of kale

handful of spinach

1/4 cup or so of coconut water so it will blend well


It turns a hideous brown color but it's tasty. :) Why do they call them green smoothies when they are brown?

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We drink one to three a day

It is important to mix up the greens


Today we did Goodbelly proabotic drink

10 to 15 brussel sprouts

2 avocados

2 handfuls of spinach

2 pears

1 cup of pineapple

1 cup raspberries

1 cup mix frozenstrawberries and melons

1 orange

sprinkle of flax seeds

sprink of chia seeds

left over tomato sauce from spaghetti dinner (no seasoning in it)

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There was a smoothie post in the Vitamix thread that I read yesterday. Remember that not using sugar is best....Although Stevia is a good sub. The thread yesterday had a "Vitamix Lady" and she was recommending a particular brand that had liquid Stevia.

Remember to buy your veggies organic, especially the "Top Dirties".... Spinach, Kale, Beets.... (just a small amount of beets per day) If it's an estrogen based cancer, non dairy... My mom uses almond or rice milk. You also don't want to use Soy... either way you don't want to use Soy that's not organic...

I have a Vitamix:) Bananas, Strawberries, OJ... Yum!! :) (and you can add spinach, which only changes the color)

Healthy Years ahead, to you!! :)

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I don't make the same thing every time


Here is some of what I use in smoothies


Pulpy orange juice

almond milk

hemp milk

rice milk

cocunut milk

soy milk

cow milk





pumkin puree


mixed fruit frozen fruit (from costco)


frozen blueberries or marion berries

frozen strawberries

frozen mango

frozen cherries

frozen peaches


protein powder



pumkin seeds

Edited by MistyMountain
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