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How do you carry all your books to the car?

My daughters both have canvas library bags, but when full they can't carry them alone. I have a massive canvas shopping bag that I put my books in. However this week I managed to overflow them all! I barely made it to the car with 3 overflowing bags and 3 children! We always get comments about not being able to read that many books-but we really do! We usually go to the library twice a month, so we really load up!


Next year when we are also getting "school" books I don't know how to do it!


Any tips???

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I have a rolling backpack and I carry a canvas bag. I have on request about 30 books from one library and 10 books from another per week and I just have a prek and he gets to pick out about 5 books on his own. We look really funny but we do really read that many too. We go weekly.

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I have a tote for the kids and a large book bag that my older sister Roslyn gave me for my 40th bday. We go to the library every Wednesday by car. We always walk out with more than 30 books. :D


We used to go every three weeks to a nearby book mobile nearby when we did not have a car. With gas prices these days, I have been thinking of going to the book mobile by foot.

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I have a rolling cart. It is essentially a collapsible milk crate on wheels. They are on sale this week at Big Lots locally for $10 and I know that they keep them in our Walmarts by the camera department but I think they are around $20 or so there.


It works really well. I can fill up the bottom and then stack a bag on top.:001_smile:

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My dh works at the library, so I reserve books and he brings them home and likewise returns them when we're done.:D

I do take the kids to the library because my 6 year old loves picking out her own books and the library has always been my favorite place and I want her to experience it. For that we use a large canvas bag and she has a limit.

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LOL!!! I LOVE this thread! I would have never thought to ask you guys but I've had the same problem with how to haul all the books to my car for years. When I check out the max # of books at my library, I always get strange looks (they don't know that since I'm only allowed a mere 30 books I usually visit 2 other libraries each month!) ;) But these ideas are fantastic-I'm going to check out the one at Big Lots today and if that doesn't work I'm heading to office depot!


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We carry three large totes...

I limit the kids to 10 books each and me to whatever I know I will actually read. We go once a week, but don't return all books back once a week, so we have right now about 40 books checked out, but I'm returning 32 today.

I insist all books stay in a rubbermaid bin and we only keep out one book at a time, read it, put it back in tote. That way I can find all the books quickly..

I really wish I had a rolling cart type thing though...

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