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...is that I really only enjoy him when the weather's warm. And warm ~ as I and other Pac NWers have made eminently clear ~ isn't happening in this neck o' the woods. So Mike and I haven't been seeing much of each other. Instead, I just hang with my wine(s) of the week. And good golly, Miss Molly, the cupboards are bare in that regard, so methinks I'll have to pick up a bottle in a bit here, after my run.:)

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Have you tried the Mike's Crantini drinks yet? I like them better than the hard lemonade. Of course they have more "punch" in them. But they are yummy!


Haven't seen those. I'll have to try one when the weather warms up. Which is going to happen any day now. Not. But some day it will. Maybe. I hope. A girl can dream, right?!:tongue_smilie:

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...is that I really only enjoy him when the weather's warm. And warm ~ as I and other Pac NWers have made eminently clear ~ isn't happening in this neck o' the woods. So Mike and I haven't been seeing much of each other. Instead, I just hang with my wine(s) of the week. And good golly, Miss Molly, the cupboards are bare in that regard, so methinks I'll have to pick up a bottle in a bit here, after my run.:)


Ahh! Our 90+ sweat bath outside makes me forget that others don't have the pleasure of this not so lovely humidity and heat. I hope you get some heat soon. Mike misses you.;)

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Haven't seen those. I'll have to try one when the weather warms up. Which is going to happen any day now. Not. But some day it will. Maybe. I hope. A girl can dream, right?!:tongue_smilie:


I think you get them at liquor stores rather than a grocery due to the higher content of alcohol. It is 8% in comparison with the 5% hard lemonade. But I like it better.

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Aaah...sounds great, but Mike and I are only getting together on the weekends for a while. It was just getting too...heavy...around the hips... :(

Besides, Joe and I are having a pretty fine time at the moment so whoneedsMike?! ~sniff~


I wish Joe had brought Bailey... :001_wub:

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We are having weird, unseasonably cold weather here in Washington. It snowed in the passes last night, and was a rainy 55 degrees here today. Have to stick with winter wine for now.


P.S. As someone who dislikes hot weather, I secretly love this, but cannot tell anyone here....

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Is anyone else ready for Mike??? New to this, so do we JUST do Mike's on Fridays? If so, pretend you never saw this!:D


Just finished mine! Of course, I have no idea what day of the week it is (see post above), so we can certainly pretend it is Friday. :D

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