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What are your pets names?

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Watson came to us with her name. She was five when we adopted her. She is most definitely female so I have no idea why she was named Watson -- maybe the previous owners had an affinity for detectives? My son nicked named her Bob -- Bob is my son's best friend. It will be very sad when she dies and given that she's almost 14 we know that could happen at any time.


Our Ruby girl also came pre-named. She was one when we adopted her. I didn't really care for the name at first but now she's our Ruby-Mae.

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We once adopted a teeny-weeny feral kitten from a litter that was rescued from a field near dee-aitch's work. I had to hand-feed this sweet little helpless thing with a dropper...took her to the office with me every day, I did.


She quickly turned into psychocat! Sure, she'd play and snuggle and purr, but mostly she was nuts! She bounced off walls. She climbed anything: screen doors, pants legs, sleeping heads. :eek:


We dubbed her Lucy...Lucy Furr. ;)

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We once adopted a teeny-weeny feral kitten from a litter that was rescued from a field near dee-aitch's work. I had to hand-feed this sweet little helpless thing with a dropper...took her to the office with me every day, I did.


She quickly turned into psychocat! Sure, she'd play and snuggle and purr, but mostly she was nuts! She bounced off walls. She climbed anything: screen doors, pants legs, sleeping heads. :eek:


We dubbed her Lucy...Lucy Furr. ;)


Dog: Giant Baby (official name is Kylie but most of the time we call her Giant Baby. Yes, that's her in the avatar.

Other dogs that have passed on: Benny (Rottweiler) Wimple (Jack Russell)

Cats that have passed on: Oreo (black & white) and Hobbes (as in Calvin & Hobbes)

The chickens are: Rosie, Annie, Sunny, Alice and Daphne

The turkeys are: Ethel and Edith

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Or should that read "What are your pets named?" oops.

I'm just curious.... and my sister just called and asked if we want a kitty. If my dh says it's ok we will have a new family member. Although the idea of a kitty litter box isn't appealing...hmm. Decisions, decisions.


So I may need pet name ideas lol.


7yo cat -- Katie

1yo cat -- Razzle (fem)

1yo cat -- Dazzle (male)

5 yo dog -- Inigo (Inigo Montoya from Princess Bride )

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9yo cat black, hence the name...Shadow.

2yo Toy Fox terrier...Tinkerbell or Tinks for short(dd was in the princess phase when we got her)


rabbits...Peter (not, Peter Rabbit...Peter Pan) and Toki (Korean for rabbit...kids do taekwondo)

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Our dog is Penny, our cat is Max. The cats I had before kids were Theo & Molly and were my kids, especially Theo. Before my son was born (about 3 years after Theo died) we were trying to come up with a meaningful boy name, and I REALLY wanted the name Theo. I said I liked the name a lot, it was different, and it would really have meaning. My husband would not agree. He didn't love Theo like I did.

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Our kitty was named CHeezie Whiz when we got her but we just call her Cheezie. ANd for good reason, never ever leave cheese whiz toast on the table without supervision, she will lick all your cheese off. She is a very independant 2 year old kitty now, and the kids pretty much leave her be, unlike pets we have had in the past. Oh and ds has named one of out 9 tadpoles Balloon breathe because he is the fattest one.


Previous pets who have gone on to the rainbow bridge or to a new family:

Mitchie (cat)

Kit Kat (cat) we gave him to a new family as a kitten, he was a mean one

Muffin & Scooby our male guinea pigs

Princess & Squeeker our female guinea pigs

Hammy & Vampira(she bit me so hard the day we got her) our hamsters

2 budgies that we only had for a week before ds set them free out the window, don't remember their names now

Trix the bunny went to a new family

Roger the Siamese fighting fish (of course that was around the time ds wanted to name baby brother to be floppy)

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Our Australian Shepherd is Starry Night.


Our current cats are two gray striped tabbies that go by Thunder and Lightning, Sparky who is spotted like a dalmation, and one tubby black kitten whose name has not yet occurred to us. I'll take suggestions.


We once had a mama cat named The Scream and her kitten, named Edvard.

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Didn't we just do this thread? :lol:


Eli & Ellie (American Short Hair Cats)

Zaphire, Sabra, & Fatima (Geckos)

Bob, Earl, & Jim (Blind Albino African Frogs)

Rain, Tristan, Izzy, Max, Lola, and Lemon Drop, plus a bunch more new unnamed fish (danios, lemon tetras, blue tetras, and rummy noised testras).


And gone but not forgotten...

Otto & Chelsea (AMS cats)

Madison (Golden Retriever)

And Caesar (Pit Bill... still alive just living with some friends)

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Dogs I have, had or have known: Emmie, Skye, Ty, Monty, Banner, Lance, Kayla, Grizzley, Dante, Rebel, Dixie, Maverick, Freddie, Jazz, Glitzy, Gatsby, Sadie


Cats I have had or have known: Tosti, Augen (German for "eyes"--he had big eyes!), Huckle, Quincy, Diva, Pete, Tilly, Cricket


Enjoy your new kitty!

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Cats: Catkin, Sparrowhawk, and Sassy/Cuddlepuff (she has multiple personalities- sometimes sweet, sometimes she will bite you for no reason).


Chickens: Annabelle, Lucy, Chickie-Boo, Sweetie, Winnie the Pooh (we think this one is a rooster!), Hannah, Sally, Maybelle, Clarabelle, Annie, and Dottie.

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Paco - the escaped love bird who frequents our birdfeeder


Agmontonia - the crazed female cardinal who has returned for the fourth year to spend the spring and summer trying to get into our dining room


Agmontonio - her husband. He sits back and shakes his head at her antics and occasionally brings her a bit of food.


Pink Ray - the anole who lives right by the birdfeeder (there could be quite a few Pink Rays for all we know)


Templeton - the rat we occasionally spy running across the back fence (probably A LOT of Templetons)


Beelzebub - the snake that lives in the back flower bed


These are all backyard friends. We don't currently have any pets living in our home. Previously we've had:


Saba (dog, named after the Caribbean island)


Garcia (dog, named after Jerry)


Dalty (goldfish, this is how Luke pronounced Dorothy, Elmo's fish)


Bobo (bird)


Pepper (dog, white with black spots, feisty attitude)


Rudy (giant mastiff, needed a petite name to offset her huge size)


Muriel (cat, named from The Accidental Tourist)


Jumpy and Mummy Man (frogs Luke found at the creek during our Egyptian studies)



Enjoy picking a name!

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