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For Sell and I will sale this for $. Is this error just a Southern thing?

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I had to google what was wrong with those. I have never seen faze and would have thought someone using that word was the incorrect one until just now.


Well, that's what I meant by "all over the place" -- is that even the well-educated people here can make these mistakes :)

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I don't think it is a southern thing. I think it is a spelling/vocabulary thing. I have a friend who is a homeschool mom, and former school teacher who listed items for "sell" and that she'd be glad to "sale" them for lesser prices. The first time I thought it was a typo, but she has done it multiple times. FTR, she struggles with spelling.

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Here are my examples:


1) I just noticed last night in our little Texas town this sign about some real estate property:


Will devide to lease.


2) When I was working at a Holiday Inn in college, I drove into work on a Sunday morning and this was posted out front:


Congradulations to our seniors!


I went to the manager's office and asked how long the sign had been up. She told me it was up all weekend. Then I told her that it was misspelled.


3) The first time I took my dh home to meet my parents when we were dating. We passed this sign in the hills of Arkansas where I was raised:


15 Acers for Sale


My dh asked me, "What is an acer (pronouned with a soft c sound)?" I died laughing and told him that it was supposed to be acres. Then I said welcome to Arkansas hillbilly spelling ;)

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Things like this drive me nuts (bad spelling). Spelling is fairly easy for me but very difficult for DH. I think some people simply aren't good at spelling and it's neither regional nor educational.


A friend of mine is an attorney (in New York, not the South ;) ) and is an atrocious speller. She's never worried about it - she says that her job is to be a good lawyer. Her secretary however, she holds to higher standards.

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