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I'm ready for Christmas now

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Well I'm happy to be CLEAN! The rest of the sweaty work is dh's responsibility. :D


I am about to put my shoes on so I can start cooking Christmas Eve dinner, and prepping Christmas morning breakfast. It's only 3.10pm, so there's no great hurry. :) Plus dh has had to go back to the shops because he bought one leek instead of one kilo of them. :rolleyes:




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I finished earlier today too. I didn't want to post about it and be called an over-achiever. :D





Wouldn't want to disappoint you.


We still have a ton of wrapping to do. The house is messy and likely to stay that way. Meals are planned. All presents purchased. I am ahead of schedule.

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Well I'm happy to be CLEAN! The rest of the sweaty work is dh's responsibility. :D


I am about to put my shoes on so I can start cooking Christmas Eve dinner, and prepping Christmas morning breakfast. It's only 3.10pm, so there's no great hurry. :) Plus dh has had to go back to the shops because he bought one leek instead of one kilo of them. :rolleyes:




I don't think I've ever sat down and thought about it. It is already mid afternoon on Christmas Eve where you are and I"m getting ready to go to bed on Friday.


How cool is that.


Now I'm not going to bed because I have to go look at a timezone map.

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Yep. And while you are freezing your botty off, Keptwoman has gone camping. :)

That part I knew. The reversed summer and winter thing. I just thought the whole "morning in China" thing actually applied. When i looked at the map it is almost dinner time in China. Someone lied to me along time ago.


Enjoy your evening while I'm sleeping.

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Shopping done. Wrapping done. Stocking stuffers purchased. Menu planned and grocery shopping done.


Only now I'm bored!!


I finished earlier today too. I didn't want to post about it and be called an over-achiever. :D




When I compare this year to last year, I am so THRILLED that dh and I are sitting here totally bored. I napped for FOUR hours earlier.


Last year, we started everything: gifts, food, wrapping, everything at 6am on Christmas eve. I vowed that if it was in my power, I would NEVER do that again.


Praise G-d, this year has been so much better.:)

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Everything is purchased, wrapped and ready as far as gifts go...


Did half of my baking, will do the other half late tomorrow night. (uugh)


The main part of the house is "clean" enough, but all the mess seems to have been dumped into MY bedroom. AARGH!!! Not sure if I'll have time to clean it or not.


Need to clean the guest bathroom and son's room (his room doubles as the guest room) before lunch tomorrow.


Oh, and hubby's woodworking project is in the middle of my freaking living room right now, because it's too cold out in the garage for the wood stain.


I told him that if he didn't have it gone by 9 am, NO JURY in the world would convict me of pre-mediated murder. :D

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Come help me!!!


I baked around.......... I'd say 20 dozen cookies today. And I made the most AMAZING macadamia nut brittle. Then I made fudge and a HUGE pot of home meade tomato sauce. My back feels like it's breaking.


I not only have to wrap gifts, I have to sort them, bring my computer to the piles to make sure those bought online (most) have arrived, then tomorrow I have the rest of baking to do. Dh and I also will make our seafood stew.


did I say my back is breaking?

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When I compare this year to last year, I am so THRILLED that dh and I are sitting here totally bored. I napped for FOUR hours earlier.


Last year, we started everything: gifts, food, wrapping, everything at 6am on Christmas eve. I vowed that if it was in my power, I would NEVER do that again.


Praise G-d, this year has been so much better.:)


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: but I have a hard time believing you NAPPED for ANY amount of time!!!

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I have one present left to wrap. ONE. And it's sitting on the coffee table staring me down, but I just don't have any more wrapping in me. I'm tired just looking at it. But as soon as I wrap it I can go to bed and I REALLY want to go to bed :D.


And it's only a Magnadoodle for DD2! Not even a hard one to wrap!

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Napping is the best! Everyone should nap. The world would be a happier place!


I heartily agree! I power nap most days for about 20 minutes. My grandmother does this and has done it every day since before I was born. It's just enough of a pick-me-up to make you feel refreshed and not so much you feel groggy. My grandmother is one smart cookie :D

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