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Why doesn't my teen want to go to school?

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He certainly doesn't seem to want to be around us! :glare:


I have offered on numerous occasions to send him to school so that he can be away from us for at least 8 hours a day. :D


That is all. He is only in a bad mood when he is awake......:lol:

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Because sometimes teens don't *want* to do anything. Except be grumpy, maybe. :D Not that I, *ahem*, have ANY experience with that, either in my own teen years or now with my teen stepkids. No, of course not. Not I, said the fly.


Sorry you and he are having a rough go of it. :grouphug:

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Well, very true.


Thankfully DH is home for 11 days for break and can help with some parenting.




Because sometimes teens don't *want* to do anything. Except be grumpy, maybe. :D Not that I, *ahem*, have ANY experience with that, either in my own teen years or now with my teen stepkids. No, of course not. Not I, said the fly.


Sorry you and he are having a rough go of it. :grouphug:

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It's because you, simple woman, are just incapable of understanding him.



Yeah, I live there too.



Originally Posted by Heather in NC viewpost.gif

Preach it. :D


My ds does or says one nice thing per day that keeps me from strangling him.



Is this resulting from a rule, or just a sense of self-preservation?




Thanks everyone. Maybe I won't kill my 14yo this morning either!!!!

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Well, when ds1 was that age we *made* him go to school. Homeschooling him was intolerable and *I* was starting to get a bad attitude. At some point before we sent him off (for 9th grade) I discovered that ds struggled with needing to separate "mom" from "teacher." I think he felt like I was always judging him as "teacher." He was reluctant to go to school, but things went a lot better once he did. He became more willing to ask us for help with school (see, he couldn't before because I was his "teacher" not just his "mom") and our relationship became less adversarial. It has worked well for us.


Just wanted to share our experience. I know sending kids to school isn't an option for everyone.

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My son is 16 and I can vouch for IT DOES GET BETTER!!! 14 and 15, so much is going on hormonally, growth, confusion about their 'place' in the family. My son would see my girls be very affectionate towards me and their dad but my son was uncomfortable trying to figure out if he was a 'man boy' or a 'boy boy'...the best thing to do is to not change your modus operandi! Make sure to show him that you do indeed love him when he's being a porcupine, being stubborn, obstinate, disrespectful, lazy...one of the BEST things that helped my son was to do things that built his confidence...he did speech/debate and did quite well (starting to find his niche) and now he does competitive rowing and he is now motivating ME! :) He's started to let my hugs last a little longer and he smiles during them! :) It does improve!!

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:iagree: Hang in there mom, it gets better with love and time.


My son is 16 and I can vouch for IT DOES GET BETTER!!! 14 and 15, so much is going on hormonally, growth, confusion about their 'place' in the family. My son would see my girls be very affectionate towards me and their dad but my son was uncomfortable trying to figure out if he was a 'man boy' or a 'boy boy'...the best thing to do is to not change your modus operandi! Make sure to show him that you do indeed love him when he's being a porcupine, being stubborn, obstinate, disrespectful, lazy...one of the BEST things that helped my son was to do things that built his confidence...he did speech/debate and did quite well (starting to find his niche) and now he does competitive rowing and he is now motivating ME! :) He's started to let my hugs last a little longer and he smiles during them! :) It does improve!!
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