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Fascinating 15 minute talk leading to a free language learning program.

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I just watched this on youtube: Luis von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration,

. Not only is the content absolutely fascinating but it leads up to introducing a new language learning program that will be absolutely free. The program is currently in beta testing and there is a waiting list. The video explains it very well. Anyhow, I signed up and I know that there are people here who will be interested as well.
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Guest submarines

Fascinating. I love this project. Very curious about how it would actually work for the users in terms of language learning. Signed up. Thanks for sharing! :D

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Guest submarines
That was just fascinating. What great, innovating thinkers this world has!


ETA: I just signed up.


ETAA: am I the only one who never knew what a captcha was?





I didn't know they were called captchas either. And I certainly didn't know the re-captchas were useful. Lately my yahoo account wants me to do them more often. I'm not annoyed anymore :D.


But sneaky of them, too. I wonder what else that we do on-line is being used for something entirely unrelated.


The whole concept of users digitizing books without even knowing it, is both fascinating and somewhat creepy.

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That was so interesting! An enjoyable and informative presentation.


I was wowed when he said that we need to start the translating because computers won't be good enough to do it for another 15-20 years - that's like the blink of an eye! Things are just moving so quickly.

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I just watched this on youtube: Luis von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration,
. Not only is the content absolutely fascinating but it leads up to introducing a new language learning program that will be absolutely free. The program is currently in beta testing and there is a waiting list. The video explains it very well. Anyhow, I signed up and I know that there are people here who will be interested as well.


Thanks for posting this! I look forward to seeing how the program works.

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