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Who remembers ditto printed worksheets from their schooldays?


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My high school was transitioning to a Xerox in the early 90's; most copies I had were purple, but some were black. My US History teacher used the tests that came with the text, and the font and size, I guess, were not ideal for mimeograph copies. The teacher spent several minutes at the beginning of many tests reading the questions to us. I think by the end of the year, she was able to do most of them on the Xerox.

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Even when I was teaching in the late 1990s and early 2000, we still had a purple ditto machine, because some of the older materials had ditto masters, although the newer ones just had a photocopiable book. We also had a risograph machine, which was essentially the same thing- you fed in your original and it made a master, and then made black ink copies from it, as opposed to toner like on a photocopier. It wasn't as clear as the Xerox, but for most school worksheets, it worked and apparently was MUCH cheaper.

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Hey! I TAUGHT using dittoed papers! I spent many days with purple on my face! Those dittoes could do one thing I cannot do today. With a ditto, I could hand draw and write then immediately go "run it off." Today I need several more steps to reproduce a handwritten document.

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Ooh, Ellie! Did you have a telecopier, too? My step-dad's office was right next to my bedroom and that thing was like an alarm clock.


Ring... Ring... Zhuuuup, chucka chucka chucka chucka... Good times.

It didn't ring, but yup, it made those noises. :lol:

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Hey! I TAUGHT using dittoed papers! I spent many days with purple on my face! Those dittoes could do one thing I cannot do today. With a ditto, I could hand draw and write then immediately go "run it off." Today I need several more steps to reproduce a handwritten document.


Couldn't you take paper, write on it and press copy? I know that isn't standard but wouldn't it work?

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Oh I have to share this grew up in a 1940's duplex behind the old elementary school which was old 1920's building just setting a picture of nostalgia:001_smile:


Well in the 1970s kids stayed outside all day during the summer no air condition and the teachers started cleaning out their room at the end of the school year so the trash was piled high with those purple/blue carbon things. We were nosy and looking for something to do. I can't remember which friend came up with this wonderful idea.


Well my playmates and I decided to make ourselves blue. We smeared and covered ourselves in the stuff. It was the summer between 1st and 2nd grade of 1978


My mom still brings it up how hard it was to get that stuff off me:D


We were the orginal smurf people. I think the smurfs came on in the early 80's :D

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Which one had the big round drum that you turned with a crank handle? If you were the good student, you got to go make copies.



I got to=D It was in a small storage room(the better to breathe in:) Must have been in the early 80's since my mom started homeschooling me in 7th grade in 86-87.


And another lovely smell I remember... rubber cement! aahhh.

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