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The completely inoffensive thoughts thread

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Also, small animals that aren't rodents sure are cute.




My dd discovered the Pinterest "Pets" board and I'm pretty sure she now prefers it to her previous favorite, CuteOverload.com. What? You saw/read/heard/ thought about something slightly unpleasant? Take a glance at pets on Pinterest and you will momentarily forget all about it! :D:D

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Letting mom do a few home improvement/decorating projects undisturbed is a lovely Christmas present.






I'm hoping to plan a menu this week that will please the majority of the family.


One can always hope. :D


In my house, that's MAJOR controversy. there is NO menu that will please more than one person at a time. >sigh<

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We went to the Muppet movie this afternoon, and it was delightful!


Ooh, I really want to see it! We went as a family (even dh!) to see Hugo yesterday and it was pretty darn delightful too. Dh asked the kids if they wanted to see the Muppet movie and they were like, "But, is it based on a book too?"

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Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Brown paper packages tied up with strings


I must say that this song is NOT amongst my favorite things.


It depends. Do they spank? Believe in Santa? Unschool? Breastfeed? Grow their own wheat? Drive a hybrid? Recycle? Use Cream-o-Crap soup in recipes? Let their ratlets watch TV? Most importantly, DO THEY PUT THE CART BACK INTO THE CART CORRAL?




My happy thoughts:

1. The kids are in bed

2. I'm going to make a hot fudge candy cane sundae, curl up with a fleece blanket and the hubster, and watch The Next Iron Chef.

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