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Please pray for my friends whose 21yo dd is missing.

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Please pray for the entire family. The parents, both childhood friends of mine, have been unable to locate or contact their 21 year old daughter, and they believe that she may be headed to another state to meet a man she apparently "met" online. They have the name of the man she is meeting, and they believe he is a registered sex offender.


Thank you for praying!

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The parents have had some contact with their dd via Facebook. The young woman is indeed on her way to another state for a face-to-face meeting with a man she met online 2 months ago. The girl insists that the man she is going to meet is NOT the same man her parents believe to be a sex offender. She says she is "running away from a situation" (her own words). She admits that she is having issues with her mother; the mom says that the dd is flunking out of college.


Please continue to pray for this family.

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