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Your T-Day menu this year?

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This year I am serving:



Brie en croute with apples

Bleu cheese ball with crackers

Tequila grilled shimp



Roasted turkey with pan gravy

Cranberry apple dressing

Oyster cornbread dressing

Tomato zucchini tart

Creamed spinach

Pomegranate arugula salad

Broccoflower with dijon sauce

Mashed potatos

Whipped sweet potatos

Cranberry relish

Pumpkin muffins and hot rolls



Apple pie

Pumpkin pie

Coconut cake



Grown Up Eggnog (with rum and whiskey)

Sparkling cider


The shopping is finished, the prep work begins tomorrow.

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There will be 10 of us.


Roasted turkey and gravy

Mashed potatoes

Cornbread Dressing

Sweet potatoes


Green beans

Corn pudding

Yeast rolls

Cranberry sauce




Pumpkin pies

Pecan pies

Apple pie



I've done my shopping and can't wait! This thread is making me hungry.

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We are staying at my dd's for Thanksgiving but we only have about half the crowd we usually do so we are trying to keep it simple this year. This is the menu we came up with:


Thanksgiving Dinner


Deep Fried Turkey


Mashed Potatoes


Sweet Potato Casserole

Broccoli & Rice Casserole

Sweet Corn

Yeast Rolls


Pumpkin Pie


I think that there is one more side dish but I can't remember what it is. My SIL is doing all of the cooking but but everyone pretty much got to pick their favorite dish.

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Just the 6 of us this year:




Pioneer woman mashed potatoes

Pioneer woman stuffing

Pioneer woman acorn squash


Green beans almonds

Homemade cranberry sauce

Homemade whole wheat rolls

Apple pie

Pumpkin Pie

Chocolate covered pretzels

Turtle cheesecake

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Mashed potatoes & gravy

Green bean casserole

Sweet potato casserole (friend is bringing this)

Steamed broccoli (b/c I insist on one healthy vegetable)

Fruit salad

Cranberry sauce (friend is bringing this)


Pumpkin pie

Blueberry pie

Apple pie

Raspberry Cheesecake (friend is bringing this)

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Snacking bits for the day:


Sun-dried Tomato Brie w/crackers

Aged cheddar and muesli bread




Roast Turkey

Roasted mixed veg

Potatoes and gravy (roasted or mashed--hmmmm...)

Cranberry sauce

Rolls/Bread (hoping to find time on Wednesday to make these)

Possibly a salad too



Pumpkin Pie

Apple Pie

Pecan Pie


Chardonnay, Champagne, and Cider (the three holiday Cs)


Friday: Let the leftover mayhem begin!

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I've been vaguely paleo recently, in a low carb/ high fat kind of way. I found this menu on a blog, and I'm doing it! I'm also doing a recipe or two from this site.


Prosciutto Wrapped Pears


Sausage stuffing (without bread for me)

Cranberry sauce

Paleo Holiday Yams or Roasted Sweet Potatoes- not sure yet.

Braised Cabbage & Bacon

Paleo Pumpkin Pie

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There will 19 of us.




Dressing/Stuffing (Pioneer Woman)

Mashed potatoes(Friend)


Green bean Casserole (PW)

Broccoli Cheese & Cracker Casserole (PW)

Sweet Potato Casserole


Apple Sauce

Cranberry Sauce (Dd)

Angel Biscuits (Friend)



Apple Pie

Pumpkin Pie

Pecan Pie

Chocolate Cream Pie

Cream Cheese Blueberry Pie

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I haven't even thought about breakfast yet, but maybe a casserole would be a good idea!


My sister and her 2 kids are coming over since her dh has to work, so there will be the 4 of us, my mom who is visiting from NH, and her family.


We'll be eating...

Turkey with gravy

Sweet potato casserole (no marshmallows on top - I have a better recipe with brown sugar and pecans)

Mashed potatoes

Green bean casserole

Peas (and corn for my sister's kids)

Parker house yeast rolls

Cranberry sauce


Dessert will be pumpkin creme brulee and both chocolate and pumpkin whoopie pies.


I love, love, love Thanksgiving dinner! :D

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Just 6 of us this year and the 2 older leave for 10 days the day after so we don't want tons of leftovers.

The only thing the kids unanimously agreed on was pies. They want pumpkin, banana cream and pecan.


brunch- breakfast casserole and fruit



cheese ball with crackers and relish tray


Main Meal:

We are having organic turkey

Fresh cranberry sauce

sweet potatoe souffle

refrigerator rolls

spinach salad

Southwest corn

devilied eggs


Home-made grape juice, pumpkin spice lattes


and pie:001_smile:

Edited by laughing lioness
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For the first time in more than 10 years, it's just the 3 of us. Usually our house is the gathering place for holidays, and while I make the entree and a few main sides, family members always bring something. I had to ask my guys for their must-haves.





mashed potatoes


cranberry sauce

homemade rolls

pumpkin pie and cherry pie


I *have* to have something green (ds doesn't like green beans) so I might make a side salad for myself, or I might add broccoli to the menu.

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We are co-hosting - my family, my mom, dh's parents and siblings, dh's mom's parents. And we are also taking some food to a couple shut ins.


- Turkey

- Spiral Ham

- Regular Ham

- Dressing

- Mashed Potatoes

- Sweet Potatoes

- Green Bean Casserole

- Corn

- Rolls

- Pecan Pie

- Pumpkin Pie

- Buttermilk Pie

- Chocolate Pie

- Mincemeat Cake

- Earthquake Cake

- Gravy

- Chicken Spaghetti

- Mac n Cheese

- Veggie Tray with Ranch and Hummas


I think that is all. We eat well, serve others, and then eat leftovers for days.

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We decided to have Thanksgiving on our own this year, after many years of big meals with lots of people. It is just the 5 of us, so I had to limit the menu a bit to the family's *favorites*.


Eta: that morning I will make breakfast casserole.


Honeybaked Ham (we all like ham better than turkey)

Green bean casserole (a must for dh)

Parker House rolls (my must have)

Dressing (cornbread)

Sweet potato pudding

Cranberry and orange sauce (whole berry)

Chocolate chip pecan pie


That sounds really good! We are just having the five of us, and we are having a similar menu. There's only so much you can cut back when everyone has their requirements :)





Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Squash Rolls

Green Bean Casserole

Sweet Potato Cranberry Bake

Cranberry-Apple Sauce

Pumpkin Pie


We are still waiting on our turkey, pecans, and canned pumpkin. Our food has been waiting in Anchorage for over a week and we are crossing our fingers that it comes tomorrow on the plane with my daughter. If the plane doesn't come, then we'll delay Thanksgiving while we wait for the child and the goodies.

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We are having...


Roasted Apple Cider Brined Turkey (with gravy made from the drippings)

Southern Cornbread and Biscuit Dressing

Green Beans with Bacon

Homemade Jellied Cranberry Sauce

Baked Sharp Cheddar Macaroni and Cheese

Candied Yams

Collard Greens

Cherry Congealed Salad

Hubby's Yeast Rolls

Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream

M&M Cookies


All washed down with a bottle of Two-Buck-Chuck and a whole lotta Southern sweet iced tea!

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This is my first Thanksgiving feeding a diabetic (my bil,) so there are duplicates of some things as I try to figure this out:


turkey breast

herb-stuffing filled rosemary-marinated pork tenderloin

mashed potatoes

garlic roasted red potatoes

shredded brussel sprouts

sweet potatoes with marshmallows

cranberry dressing

Parker House rolls


apple pie

pumpkin roll

something else that is sugar-free, I think


And apparently my db's family and my parents are coming early to watch the game (we have a small TV just for the Wii, and yet they want to watch football on it here,) so I am also making appetizers/lunch/brunch for them, I guess. :D We will eat dinner late because dh has to go pick dbil up at the airport.

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