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The Rest In Peace Thread

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OK - totally loved the thread of animal names.

Someone listed old pets.


I want to know.....What pets from your past do you still love?


Me - Jake (my old dead dawg) who came to me in college when he was 3 1/2. I renamed him Jakob Charlie and he loved it when I used his whole name. Good old Jake Dawg. He was there on the floor by the front door when my daughter was born at home in the livingroom. He was 6 at that time and lived to be 12 1/2. I have a framed black and white where his eyes are so clearly captured in the picture and it still can bring a tear to my eyes. Hard to believe he's been gone 5 years this October.


As a kid: Joanne my cat, and Thunder and Bootsie our family dogs.

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My dog Cindy. She found us on my very first day of school.

She sat waiting for me every single day I ever went to school. I spent the last part of my senior year worrying about what she would do when I went away to college.

She freaked out when I was gone overnight.


Two weeks after I graduated high school, she started having seziures. The vet determined that she had a fast growing brain tumor. I had to make the choice to euthanize her. That was almost 20 years ago and I still think about her.

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:crying: Oh, sniff...



  • My poodles Elvis and Bonbon

  • Our dane mix, Angus

  • The loudest, sweetest cat ever--don't laugh--B!tchie



Aww! I have friend that used to have two matching poodles named Elvis and Chewbacca. :tongue_smilie: :grouphug:


Love the cats name! ROFL

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Here's a few of the pets I miss...


TC: he was a tuxedo cat (black/white)


Siberian Huskies:


Nykita: red/white

Natasha Tawn "Tasha": black/white, she loved my dh, she would sit and stare at him until he'd play with her

Misha Diamond "Misha": red/white


We called Tasha and Misha the old spinster sisters. Tasha was the alpha dog, but half the size of Misha. They would talk to each other when I separated them for a bath. They were our girls before ds was born.


I can not watch "Eight Below". I did once and cried through the whole movie.

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Mac -- the wirehaired dachshund I had when I was a kid! I got him for my 13th birthday and he died when I was 24 -- less than 2 months after I moved away from home :(


Jake -- our shepherd / lab mix! We picked him up at the shelter when he was 6 weeks old. My oldest was a year old and they grew up together. We had to put him down 2 years ago, due to old age. He was the smartest dog!! We still miss him. When we were putting up our Christmas tree last year, we found his stocking and put it up with the others and the kids all cried. :(

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My cats, Gabriel and Galadriel. Galadriel (we called her Golly) was a beautiful silver tabby Persian, and sweet as could be. She got out of our house during some terrible weather, was missing for 6 weeks, and then found dead in a neighbor's yard. Pretty sure she had PKD. Poor thing, I felt guilty about her death for a long, long time.


Gabe was the most beautiful cat ever. He was Golly's brother, but a silver exotic shorthair. He was so sweet! The kids used to come up and pet him, and as long as they didn't pull his tail, he was fine with them. Even when they pulled his tail, he might nip, but he never left even a little mark. He had the most wonderful purr. He was a once-in-a-lifetime cat. His kidneys failed very suddenly a couple of years ago.


My cat when I was a kid, Stripe, was dumb as a box of rocks, but very sweet. She didn't live to be very old - she had some kind of blood disorder called hemobartinella and even though it was treated, it seemed to have a profound affect on her. Really she eventually went senile. She was only 8 when we had to put her to sleep.


Another cat we had, Sophia, was very sweet and also dumb as a stump. She was my girl though and I loved her. She didn't live to be very old either.


My parents used to live on a road with this hill - cars would come speeding up over it, not able to see what might be there. My parents were were not good caretakers of their dogs - several of them were hit by cars. So many that I can't remember them all anymore and I stopped getting attached to them. The worst was Satchmo, a wonderfully sweet German shorthair, who was hit by a car right in front of us when he was coming across that road to see us at the bus stop. Bleah.

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I got him as a kitten when I left school for my first job, moving alone to a city where I knew no one. He had so much personality! He was incredibly intelligent and communicative, not to mention beautiful-gray and black tiger, very large and strong. He died of old age, 16, just 2 years ago. We have other cats now, but--they are just dumb cats compared to the incomparable Henry.

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As a teen I had a beautiful Siberian Husky named Denver, a fat lab named D'Artagnan and a kitty named Smokey.


Before kids there were my fur children Laddie, a rough coated tri colored collie, and John Norman Howard, a kitty. Laddie was super cool, he was the only collie/civilian dog trained in a Schutzhund (sp?) program run by my best friend's husband. I have pictures of him doing attack work. He also adored children and went to work with me at a day school where I taught. His favorite room was the two year old's.


After children we had a little mutt dog named Molly,(Molly won our hearts completely, we only had her for three months and were devastated when she was hit by a car) and an Australian Shepard named Abby.


And of course, the horse I had from the time I was ten til I married at 20- Rainey Day, a Quarter horse that NEVER pulled any tricks on me and would carry as many children as would fit on his back. Rainey was our school mascot, (Knights) and ran around the football field at halftime, carrying my sister dressed in armor. He'd rear on cue on the 50 yard line. He stayed with my little sister when I got married, and my fil gave me a new horse on the ranch.


These were just the special ones. At one point here on the ranch I had 13 dogs, and I don't know how many cats.

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Thor - the Rottweiler we had when we first got married

He was the most gentle dog. Dh would wrestle with him and they'd get rowdy, but he never hurt dh. He used to run at me full speed and jump up and put his front paws on my shoulders (before we were married and before I was pregnant), but when I was less than three months pregnant and not even yet showing, he sensed something was different. One day he ran at me full speed as usual and stopped dead in his tracks six inches from me and sat down waiting to be petted. He never jumped on me again. He just seemed to know he shouldn't. When we moved back to Ohio for a while and lived with dh's folks, he got out one day with their Lab puppy. He had hip dysplasia and would limp after running for very long. We couldn't find them and they must have run a good distance and were gone for several hours. FIL finally tracked down the Lab and when a farmer saw him pick him up, he came over to talk to him. He asked if the big black dog was his, too. He said the dogs had been near some children who waiting for their bus that morning and it worried him. He had shot at the dogs. Duke (the Lab) got away, but Thor (limping and slower by that time) had been shot and killed. The farmer had had a pack of wild dogs run a bunch of his sheep into a creek where they were drowned a few years earlier and Thor's size frightened him. He felt he was protecting those kids. The kids had been playing with the dogs before the farmer saw them farther away.:glare: Neither dog would ever have hurt anyone.


13yods lost his dog a while back. Scout was a German Shorthair and pretty hyper. One day I sent one of the kids out to get one of the other dogs and get him ready for a vet appointment. Scout apparently did not understand why he couldn't go along. Half an hour later when ds went back out to the dog pen to get a better leash, he found Scout dead. We have a double gate to the dog pen to keep them from pushing past the kids and getting out as the kids are going in. Scout had dug under the first gate and tried to dig under the outer gated area which is a small wrought iron kennel. He got his collar caught on the bottom of one of the wrought iron railings and hung himself as he pulled frantically to get loose. It was a complete freak accident that we never would have expected. I don't even think it would have gone that way if it would have been one of the other dogs that got caught. It was bad enough losing Scout, but that ds was the one who found him like that still tears me up. I wish I would have gone to get that leash myself.

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Meg, our golden retriever/springer mix. Had her when I was growing up at home.


Satia (pronounced like Sasha, with a long "a"). June 21st will be the one year anniversary of losing her. She was dh's and my first dog together, a 95 pound black and tan german shepherd. She was beautiful. We got her as a farm pup, paid $75 for her so her family could buy their daughter a winter coat. Best.dog.ever. She lived to 10, got a tumor on her belly and died shortly after surgery to remove it from too much blood loss. We weren't ready to say goodbye. :(

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My first baby (literally took the place of children in my most difficult time dealing with infertility) -- Sass Jordan our basset hound. We called her Sassy and she was very Sassy. We still joke about her sassiness. We had to euthanize her and I'm not kidding thirty seconds before the needle was injected she lifted her hound dog nose towards a bowl of doggy treats so the tech gave her one. Then I reached out to pet her and she growled at me as if to say "get your hands away from my treat". I really loved her. I often said I would have to shoot her if she could reveal all the secrets I told her on our walks together (okay I sound like an eccentric nut) or while she was sitting with me.


Recently we lost our princess Daisy a five year old Bernese Mountain Dog. I miss her very much. She was so gentle and was such a great companion. She was a perfect running partner, running right next to me. Never pulling or dragging. She loved to hug us and was just a beautiful dog.


In between those two deaths we lost two other basset hounds to illness. Our Sabrina was a rescue dog. We received a call one cold January asking if we could take this dog. She was six. One and a half years later she died of bloat. She was such an outgoing, friendly hound and we felt she had finally found a forever home with us. We were very sad when she died.


The loss of a pet is very hard. We have a 13 year old golden mix and I am praying she hangs in for a while still. Loosing two dogs in one year would be too hard to handle.

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My dog Cindy. She found us on my very first day of school.

She sat waiting for me every single day I ever went to school. I spent the last part of my senior year worrying about what she would do when I went away to college.

She freaked out when I was gone overnight.


Two weeks after I graduated high school, she started having seziures. The vet determined that she had a fast growing brain tumor. I had to make the choice to euthanize her. That was almost 20 years ago and I still think about her.


It's like her sole purpose was to get you through school!

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Mac -- the wirehaired dachshund I had when I was a kid! I got him for my 13th birthday and he died when I was 24 -- less than 2 months after I moved away from home :(


Jake -- our shepherd / lab mix! We picked him up at the shelter when he was 6 weeks old. My oldest was a year old and they grew up together. We had to put him down 2 years ago, due to old age. He was the smartest dog!! We still miss him. When we were putting up our Christmas tree last year, we found his stocking and put it up with the others and the kids all cried. :(


My Jake was Shepherd and Rottweiler mix. We have a Xmas picture from one of those "get your pet's pic with Santa" fund raisers. We all got in the pic - me, dd who was 6mos at the time, and now exhusband. It's packed away with the Xmas stuff - every year we proudly display it on my shelf of favorite things.

I still cry for my Jake too - our life together was beautiful.

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Thor - the Rottweiler we had when we first got married

He was the most gentle dog. Dh would wrestle with him and they'd get rowdy, but he never hurt dh. He used to run at me full speed and jump up and put his front paws on my shoulders (before we were married and before I was pregnant), but when I was less than three months pregnant and not even yet showing, he sensed something was different. One day he ran at me full speed as usual and stopped dead in his tracks six inches from me and sat down waiting to be petted. He never jumped on me again. He just seemed to know he shouldn't. When we moved back to Ohio for a while and lived with dh's folks, he got out one day with their Lab puppy. He had hip dysplasia and would limp after running for very long. We couldn't find them and they must have run a good distance and were gone for several hours. FIL finally tracked down the Lab and when a farmer saw him pick him up, he came over to talk to him. He asked if the big black dog was his, too. He said the dogs had been near some children who waiting for their bus that morning and it worried him. He had shot at the dogs. Duke (the Lab) got away, but Thor (limping and slower by that time) had been shot and killed. The farmer had had a pack of wild dogs run a bunch of his sheep into a creek where they were drowned a few years earlier and Thor's size frightened him. He felt he was protecting those kids. The kids had been playing with the dogs before the farmer saw them farther away.:glare: Neither dog would ever have hurt anyone.


13yods lost his dog a while back. Scout was a German Shorthair and pretty hyper. One day I sent one of the kids out to get one of the other dogs and get him ready for a vet appointment. Scout apparently did not understand why he couldn't go along. Half an hour later when ds went back out to the dog pen to get a better leash, he found Scout dead. We have a double gate to the dog pen to keep them from pushing past the kids and getting out as the kids are going in. Scout had dug under the first gate and tried to dig under the outer gated area which is a small wrought iron kennel. He got his collar caught on the bottom of one of the wrought iron railings and hung himself as he pulled frantically to get loose. It was a complete freak accident that we never would have expected. I don't even think it would have gone that way if it would have been one of the other dogs that got caught. It was bad enough losing Scout, but that ds was the one who found him like that still tears me up. I wish I would have gone to get that leash myself.


Now I'm all teared up about Thor and Scout. Especially Thor because someone did it to him ON PURPOSE. How sad. How odd too - because the big dogs don't scare me....it's the little ankle biters I worry most about.

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Otto & Chelsea (my first babies.. brother & sister ASH cats) Both loved to watch over my human babies.

Bun Fred (a wonderful bunny we adopted, who lived in a hutch in the woods behind our house)

Lulu (a panda bear hamster... oh the girls did cry)


And of course...


Madison Jones (Maddy Mo) our Golden Retriever, who just passed a few weeks ago. She was my husband's second wife, his climbing partner, and the co-mother to my kids.

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