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Thanks for asking!


Everything is about the same. I believe that labor is close....I'm just doing nothing but sitting on the couch mostly. DH is handling lunches, etc. Kids are playing well. The contractions have tapered off though. I only have about one an hour, but it's a painful one.


Ugh, I hate this waiting game. I've never actually gone into labor so this is really new to me. My other two had low fluid and I was induced before I ever saw any signs of labor.

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Thanks for asking!


Everything is about the same. I believe that labor is close....I'm just doing nothing but sitting on the couch mostly. DH is handling lunches, etc. Kids are playing well. The contractions have tapered off though. I only have about one an hour, but it's a painful one.


Ugh, I hate this waiting game. I've never actually gone into labor so this is really new to me. My other two had low fluid and I was induced before I ever saw any signs of labor.


This is exactly how my labor was this last time. Once contractions picked up again we went in to the hospital. I was 9 cm dilated when we got there, my water broke immediately, and she was born an hour later.


Hoping for a smooth delivery for you, very soon!

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Yes, still here. :glare: I think this baby is a bit too comfy in there. Someone needs to evict her. I've done LOTS of catching up on the boards today LOL.


Contractions are doing the same thing they have all day. I never knew labor could be this annoying LOL.




This is exactly how my labor was this last time. Once contractions picked up again we went in to the hospital. I was 9 cm dilated when we got there, my water broke immediately, and she was born an hour later.


Hoping for a smooth delivery for you, very soon!


And you just freaked me out! It's 45 minutes to the hospital and I want time for an epidural LOL! I'm a chicken!

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I hear you!


I've been having similar issues on and off all day (minus the bleeding), and told Wolf that when I'm done my cuppa tea, we're going for a walk w/the Littles.


I figure if that doesn't help, I'm going for a tub and bed.


Baby's got to be born sooner or later, and I'm pretty confident I won't sleep through it! :lol:


Personally, I'd laugh like heck if you, Dawn and I all have babies in the next 3 days!

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Yes, still here. :glare: I think this baby is a bit too comfy in there. Someone needs to evict her. I've done LOTS of catching up on the boards today LOL.


Contractions are doing the same thing they have all day. I never knew labor could be this annoying LOL.






And you just freaked me out! It's 45 minutes to the hospital and I want time for an epidural LOL! I'm a chicken!


If it happens that quickly, you probably won't *need* an epidural. I went into my delivery with ds #1 fully intending to have an epidural, but he came so quickly that I didn't have time. I wasn't planning on being heroic, but I'm so glad things worked out that way!

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That would be funny LOL! There's already been so many threads about babies being born this past week....I keep thinking "Where in the world is mine???" LOL


I wish I could go for a walk. Baby girl is pressing on something down there and I can barely hobble around the house. I think she's already engaged in the birth canal. Even my 4 year old is anxious for her to come out....this morning as she was laying in bed beside me, she said "I can't wait for the baby to be born....then I will have more room to lay beside you." Thanks sweetie, I know I have a huge belly right now LOL.

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That would be funny LOL! There's already been so many threads about babies being born this past week....I keep thinking "Where in the world is mine???" LOL


I wish I could go for a walk. Baby girl is pressing on something down there and I can barely hobble around the house. I think she's already engaged in the birth canal. Even my 4 year old is anxious for her to come out....this morning as she was laying in bed beside me, she said "I can't wait for the baby to be born....then I will have more room to lay beside you." Thanks sweetie, I know I have a huge belly right now LOL.



This baby for whatever weird reason has been really low...then moves back up. Over and over again. Wish he'd just 'assume the position' and lets get this show on the road! :lol:


When we were out for our walk, Tazzie told me that I weigh "100 pounds!"...which made me feel good, briefly, until he stage whispered to Wolf, "Mom's really fat!"



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This baby for whatever weird reason has been really low...then moves back up. Over and over again. Wish he'd just 'assume the position' and lets get this show on the road! :lol:


When we were out for our walk, Tazzie told me that I weigh "100 pounds!"...which made me feel good, briefly, until he stage whispered to Wolf, "Mom's really fat!"





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