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Thrift Store Finds!

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Yay! I stopped off at my local thrift store today and the first thing I spotted was a box of old hardcovers. I dug around a bit and uncovered an old algebra texts, another on short story authors and about a half dozen Balzac novels. :D I LOVE Balzac.


Best bit? I got to the cash and the lady mentioned that the box I dug them out of was the FREE box! Whoo hoo!!!


I also found the biggest, sparkliest crock pot I have EVER seen for $12. I already have one but I think this puppy might even be able to handle one of our 6 lb chickens. I can do meat in one pot and veggies or dessert in the other.


I also found a bunch of nice crafts supplies but they paled in comparison to the other finds.

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I recently found one of the books I'm missing in a series I loved as a child in a local thrift shop. I love thrift shops.


And not a thrift shop find but still...My grandmother gave me two books this weekend: Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott printed in 1952, mint condition (old book smell included) and The Collected Works of Oscar Wild, printed in 1948 also mint condition. Happiness

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GREAT finds!!!


I love our local thrift store. Our home has been completely upgraded as far as bedrooms and redecorating because of the thrift store and my ability to up-do old things making them into more "us".


My best finds are board games! So great to see you got a great selection of books for FREE!!


Our biggest score was our Macy's bedding set that I took straight to the dry-cleaners from the thrift store. $50 for the set, $20 for dry cleaning at our discount place. Look online to find it's last years set and retails for $398!!!!!

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GREAT finds!!!


I love our local thrift store. Our home has been completely upgraded as far as bedrooms and redecorating because of the thrift store and my ability to up-do old things making them into more "us".


That's how we go at it too. The few new things we buy are from discount the Sears Outlet store where you can sometimes find amazing deals. We got a really nice, long solid wood entertainment stand thingee for $100 because it had some major scratches and a busted door. But it was $900 originally, is really sturdy and still looks awesome.


My best decorating find was a group of 5 framed Inuit prints on burlap for $35. I was born in NWT and we grew up with Inuit art around the house so that find was SUPER exciting and they're definitely worth more then $7 a piece.


I keep meaning to take pictures for my blog with a detailed list of items and cost. I think total cost now stands around $650 over the years. I KNOW some folks here could beat that easily though! :D

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I'm not a big thrift store shopper but i sort of wish I was! We went to a new one that recently opened here....we walked in during a grand opening ceremony and came away with what looks like a brand new Northface down vest for $9.99. Awesome!


My daughter picked up a really nice jacket for 4 or 5 dollars. The label looked interesting so I checked it out and the same jacket originally sold for around $300.

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My latest find was a beautiful children's table made of solid wood. It looks like it came out of an expensive catalog or was hand made by Amish folks. But the best buy of the summer was two weeks ago when I had the itch to go to yard sales. I knew in my gut it would be a good day. I wasn't disappointed, either. I got loads of good stuff but the best by far was a Cyber k'nex set that retails for $395 for $10!! Even used on amazon it goes for $350. I was in yard sale heaven!

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I have found kelly's kids dresses for dd for $2. I try to stop by once or twice a month. My dd likes to come with me she always finds a new stuffed animal friend to bring home for $.50. She found a koala that she insisted she wanted to bring to the street fair. a lot of people asked about the koala. One lady asked me about dd adorable koala bear then went on to brag that her sil brought her grandbaby back a similar koala from Australia. me "I got mine for $.50 at the thrift store":D I couldn't resist.

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I love thrift stores too. One of my all time best finds was a tiny purple vacuum for $3. It works great and the children do an amazing job on my wood floors with that thing:thumbup:


A brand new pair of size 14 tennis shoes for DH was $4, that was a good day.


Congrats on your purchases!

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Love op shops here too. My best book finds so far have been three different complete childrens science, nature and general encyclopaedia sets. $15 for all three 21+ book sets!!! Plus I found a set of Australian history encycopaedia type books. Missing about 2-3 but still happy because they cost me about $10 for 10.


But my best, best BEST find was 2 weeks ago. I picked up a Husqvarna 6430 sewing machine complete with accessories and pattern dies for $25!! Took it for a service and it need $50 of parts. So all up $75 and these machines are very popular and can go for $150+!!!

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LOVE thrift store shopping!! In fact, tomorrow our closest store is 50% off the whole store. I have been waiting impatiently all week!


A few months ago I found a beautiful name-brand purse at at thrift store. I do not pay $$$ for expensive purses, but I do love the quality of them and this particular purse was a cute style and it was like new. I thought it was probably pretty pricey, so I looked it up when I got home and it had sold for $325 new. Not bad for $6. :D

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