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For how many minutes do you shower?

How long do you shower?  

  1. 1. How long do you shower?

    • 0-3 minutes
    • 4-6 minutes
    • 7-10 minutes
    • 11-15 minutes
    • 15-20 minutes
    • 20+ minutes
    • I bathe, not shower.
    • Other

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I would guess between 10-15 minutes if I don't shave, if I do shave then its longer. I do enjoy my showers though and do sometimes just sit under the hot water-- Its MY time ;) Its quiet and relaxing. When I didn't have kids they were maybe 10 minutes. In and out.



If part of the rental agreement is that you pay utilities then get a record of the difference in amounts between them and you, and if they do not get it within those limits they need to pay extra, especially if there are 7 less people in the house!

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I shower 4-6, maybe less. Unless I'm not feeling good, that number doesn't usually vary. When I shave my legs I turn off the shower while I do them, and then turn it back on to rinse. Simple. We have a well so the water doesn't matter but I don't like to pay too much to heat up the water. I am very frugal.

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Asking on a forum of homeschool moms is going to give you a misleading result, IMO.

Apparently not, LOL! A lot of these homeschool mamas seem to love their shower time. All the same, that was my point to the renters -- when they said "normal for a lot of people," they meant people like them (renters who might not be directly responsible for the utility bill), not people unlike them (homeschool moms who might not have a lot of time or ability to take long, hot showers).


Maybe there other reasons for rising utility bills? Maybe prices are going up? Maybe it is the changing season? Maybe you have a water leak? Maybe they are watering the yard more? I don't see how a landlord should have any input on how long my showers should be.:confused:
We pay the utility bill out of the rent they pay us. It's a set "averaged" amount added in on top of the actual rent for the house (we do have a reason for having it set up this way, and wish we could do it differently, but can't at this point). We also included a provision in the last lease we signed that if the averaged bill went up again (because it did just 8 months ago or so), that we would raise the amount due to us so that they are paying this increase, and not us. It did go up again this month, so we let them know that the payment will go up, and they're not happy about that, so they are asking questions about what could be making the bill increase so.


What sort of jobs do they do? My dh runs every morning, comes home and showers and often needs a shower before bed, especially if he comes home smelling like jet fuel. Applying your own standards to a different family is not a reasonable expectation.
Nope, just college students. And they have short straight hair. I don't know how often they shave. :tongue_smilie: I think the bolded part is obvious, by the way. I didn't have any kind of expectation that their household should look like ours. It was just an fun, informal poll because I find their thoughts humorous, and them not wanting to pay for their own usage mildly annoying (esp. when we covered this the last time they signed a lease). I think it interesting (although not shocking or unheard of, of course) that two young girls can use so much more energy and water than a family of nine did. But, as you said, I do know that we are on the extreme thrift end of the scale, where (since they don't pay the bill directly), they're much more unaware. Edited by milovaný
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Just thinking, if there's mold in the bathroom the issue in not their showers. The issues is inadequate ventilation. Is there a proper working exhaust in the bathroom and are the renters using it?


Yes, true. And we did go in and replace the fan the first time they called us about this (there's no window in this room; it's in the middle of the house). They are obviously doing something different than we did since they were getting mold when we rarely did. It was probably a combination of both things -- ventilation and the steamy showers.


THIS is why I'm fine with talking about their shower-time with them (someone commented on this above) -- not because of the utility bill (they'll pay for their usage), but because of the damage it can cause in the walls if there's mold. It's been more than a year since the mold issue, and we did replace the fan, so hopefully that's fixed.

Edited by milovaný
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I put other, it depend on if I am washing my hair or shaving or doing everything.


I would say no longer than 10 mins if just washing. Probably less. If I am washing my hair add 5 mins. If I am shaving add another 5.


So about once a week I take a long 20 minute shower. Otherwise no longer than 15. :)


Hows that for an answer?!

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It did go up again this month, so we let them know that the payment will go up, and they're not happy about that, so they are asking questions about what could be making the bill increase so.


Nope, just college students. And they have short straight hair. I don't know how often they shave. :tongue_smilie: I think the bolded part is obvious, by the way. I didn't have any kind of expectation that their household should look like ours. It was just an fun, informal poll because I find their thoughts humorous, and them not wanting to pay for their own usage mildly annoying (esp. when we covered this the last time they signed a lease). I think it interesting (although not shocking or unheard of, of course) that two young girls can use so much more energy and water than a family of nine did. But, as you said, I do know that we are on the extreme thrift end of the scale, where (since they don't pay the bill directly), they're much more unaware.


I see. Do they use a lot of small appliances that pull a lot of electricity? Like blowdryers? Aquarium? Coffee maker? Toaster oven? Are they keeping it warmer/cooler than you did? I think those sorts of things would make more difference than a long shower.

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THIS is why I'm fine with talking about their shower-time with them (someone commented on this above) -- not because of the utility bill (they'll pay for their usage), but because of the damage it can cause in the walls if there's mold. It's been more than a year since the mold issue, and we did replace the fan, so hopefully that's fixed.


You might also consider a dehumidifier for that room.

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Yes, true. And we did go in and replace the fan the first time they called us about this (there's no window in this room; it's in the middle of the house). They are obviously doing something different than we did since they were getting mold when we rarely did. It was probably a combination of both things -- ventilation and the steamy showers.


THIS is why I'm fine with talking about their shower-time with them (someone commented on this above) -- not because of the utility bill (they'll pay for their usage), but because of the damage it can cause in the walls if there's mold. It's been more than a year since the mold issue, and we did replace the fan, so hopefully that's fixed.


Did they not having a working, adequate fan for a period of time then? Once mold comes it's very hard to kill/keep away. So if there was a time of poor ventilation I really think that explains it much more than the length of showers.


If it were my house and walls I'd want a dehumidifier. But then that would raise utility rates due to electricity usage so maybe they, as renters, are better off just hoping it doesn't mold.

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It depends on what I have to do in there. Most days I probably take about 5 minutes - no hair wash, no shaving - but that's because I am always in a hurry. I would rather take longer. When I wash hair (2x/wk) or shave (1x/wk), it's probably 10-15 minutes. (I rarely wash hair and shave on the same day. The shaving seems to make my skin sensitive to the shampoo - or something.)


I do also run the water for couple of minutes in advance, to get it hot.

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I'm 11 - 15 also because I also shampoo, condition, wash, and shave every day. I move fast and am working the whole time. If I didn't do this I would be scratching the skin off my legs every day because stubble makes me itch like crazy and it grows fast. You wouldn't want to see me past 36 hours since last hair wash, let me tell ya. :)


:iagree: I'm the same!

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Milovany how old is the hot water heater? An older, less efficient one, will use much more electricity than a newer more efficient one. You can also call the utility company and ask them to come to the house, with the renters' permission of course, to do an assessment. They'll make suggestions and may even provide things like a water heater insulating wrap. The small things they suggest can add up to big savings.

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Too long - 15 -20 minutes. That is usually the only alone time I get where I am not "on." I often have the conversations I can't have in real life or a good PMS cry. I can do it in 5 minutes if I really have to - and that would include washing hair, putting on conditioner, washing body, shaving, washing face, combing hair then rinsing. The big time saver for me is putting the conditioner on and then doing everything else.

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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I am shocked at how little time people spend in the shower. I think of the shower as my personal spa time to relax and rejuvenate...it's my one 'splurge' for myself each day


Some of us live or have lived in drought areas :) A fifteen minute shower would be practically CRIMINAL!



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