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Bragging on myself - completed Couch to 5K today!

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I started Couch to 5K back in December. After many starts and stops, I finally completed it today! I ran a 5K route in my neighborhood. I'm slow as can be, but I can make it. My next goal is to actually complete it in 30 minutes. My running buddy and I decided once we could run the distance, we would work on the speed.


For all those who are in the midst of this program, keep it up! I have never liked, or participated in, much in the way of exercise. I was the stereotypical couch potato. But I ran a 5K this morning!

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:party: So tell me, do you enjoy running now? I've been on the fence about trying this. I don't want to hurt myself since I'm doing so well with my cardio/weight workouts for the first time in my life. :)


I do for the most part. Some days are better than others. The good days can be absolutely fantastic, though. I'm guessing that's the "runner's high" I've heard about. Considering how I've felt about exercise in the past, this is a huge leap forward for me.


I want to add weight training, but I'm having a hard time getting motivated. Running is great for the legs, but my arms are still flabby. :)

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I was happy when I completed my first 5K. I never did a real program, and from what I read it was always 5K, 30 minutes. So I thought I ran it in about 30 minutes. I timed myself - and it wasn't near 30 minutes. :glare:


But several months ago I ran a 5K race in 30 minutes (We wouldn't mention the 59 seconds. We are talking about minutes, not seconds. :) ) Now to get myself back to that distance and speed.

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I finished it August 19th after starting and stopping and being stuck on weeks---it took me two years.


I wanted to work on speed, but I found myself making excuses to get out there soooo I downloaded the Bridge to 10k app and completed Week 1 Day 2 of that program the other day.


I'm still slow as molasses (I run a mean 13:30 miles :rolleyes:) but I'm out there jogging for 40 minutes. Never thought I'd do that. :)


Once again, Congratulations!!!

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By the way, in case this helps--I'm terrified of falling off the wagon again myself, so to help keep me going, I'm signing up for races every month, one 5k at the very least. In fact I signed up for a half marathon in February to ensure I stay on track through the holidays.


Just an idea!


:willy_nilly: <---- me running laps in my living room, since it's raining today

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