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Do you get nervous when making a large purchase?

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I'm sitting here at my desk trying to get up the nerve to put on my shoes, and go to the Apple store and just buy the darned Ipad.


I always get nervous when buying a big ticket item. I can afford it. I've planned for it. It's just taking the leap I guess.


Tell me to just go do it!!!!

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Initially I just read the title if your thread and thought to myself "Yes, I get nervous when we make big purchases . . . unless it had to do with an Apple product!" :D


If you really need to think it over you may consider buying a refurbished first generation iPad direct from the online Apple store (what our family did). If you want the latest generation just go to your local store and buy one. You will love it. This is what I say about Apple products:


Worth. Every. Penny.

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I do the same thing. While I can easily spend, oh let's say, $250 on multiple purchases that aren't that important, I practically have a nervous breakdown over spending $150 on ONE thing. That we need. I don't understand it either.


Just buy it and don't fret. More enjoyment that way. You're going to buy it anyway, why go through all that energy to produce the negative feelings when the end result will be the same?

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Yeah, I've finally got the money to buy two things I've wanted for two years and researched to death. Now I'm sitting about waiting for dh to come and tell me he doesn't care and to buy them if I want them. I feel more comfortable following that routine, or something. :rolleyes:



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I did it! I did it! I'm sitting in the car outside the mall admiring it and enjoying my few moments alone with it before I'm bombarded at home!:lol:


I have just the family rule for you: when something new comes in to the house, the person to whom it belongs gets to play with it *by themselves* for x amount of time.


(When our kids were little, we set x to 24 hours, but usually after 6 or so hours, the kidlet was inviting the sibs to play along.)




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