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Pictures of our new baby (puppy)

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I know she looks like she's in jail in this one, but really it's just her puppy playpen, and I just had to show her cute little face.



For reference, these are six-inch diameter food dishes.







(ETA: We've named her Zoe. Or Zoey. We're still deciding on the spelling.)

Edited by MamaSheep
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A big thank you to those of you who helped me out in my previous post.


She's been a real sweetie so far. She LOVES her crate. I put it in my room last night so I could hear her when she needed to go out (only once!) and she didn't cry at all. It only took two or three trips outside for her to catch on to what it was I wanted from her out there in the cold wet grass (it's been raining here on and off since we got her), so when I whisk her out there right after I let her out of her crate she gets right down to business. There were a couple of accidents in the house yesterday while we were both figuring things out, and one this morning when I (foolishly it turns out) decided to let her stretch for a minute while I filled her water dish before I took her out. We're learning. Also, we've been working on "sit" with her a little as our puppy book instructs, and she's starting to catch on to that too. Smart little thing. We're really enjoying her.

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adorable! what breed?


She's a toy fox terrier. (At least presumably. The family we bought her from say so, she looks like one and so did both of her parents when I saw them, but there are no pedigree papers so she could be part chihuahua for all I know. The daddy dog had recently been neutered when we met him, so I'm not sure whether it was an intentional breeding or not, but there won't be any more.)


She's a doll baby and really very well behaved. She's smart and friendly and we're getting into a pretty good schedule. I'm becoming a little bit concerned about keeping her entertained, though. She seems to have more fun figuring things out than just "playing" with her toys, and gets bored with regular old chew toys pretty fast. She spent a while this afternoon trying to figure out how the door of her crate works. Open, closed. Open fast, closed fast. Open slow, closed slow. Watch the door, watch the hinges. Sniff the latch. Fortunately it's a pinch latch that requires people fingers, because she seems like the sort of pup to figure out how to open a simple catch like a hook. She also seems to enjoy the kind of "play" that is really figuring out what it is I want from her when I say things like "sit" and "out" and "off" more than chasing things, though she does like to curl up in my daughter's lap and have a good gnaw on her ropey toy. So that probably bodes well for training. I'm just slightly concerned about the sort of trouble she might think to get into if she gets bored. I think I need to find some good mentally stimulating toys.

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I'm having a really good time watching my daughter and the puppy together. Dd is nine, and although she is quite small for her age (she wears a size 6X) she is starting to get that gawky pre-teen look around the edges. So here's this miniature "tween" playing with this tiny little puppy. Somehow it makes both of them look bigger than they really are, and makes everything else seem slightly out of scale instead.

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AWE. My boys would love her! We have labs. Both are mixes and one is only 45 pounds, the other is more, but all my boys have asked if we could get a small lap dog!


There is no way I will take on a 3rd dog so we won't be getting one anytime soon.



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awesome! Try feeding her her breakfast in a Kong toy, or other hollow toy that is designed to distribute the food slowly as they play with it. (you can moisten the food to stuff it in the kong so it sticks). I like the goodie ship by the same company, and it comes in various sizes. It is also dishwasher safe. That should help keep her brain occupied! Make her work for most of the rest of the kibble. Ian Dunbar has an entire free puppy training book on his website, dog-star daily.

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Her favorite toy is definitely the Kong rubber bone that has a hole on each end I can stuff with kibble and she has to figure out how to dig it out. I got her one of those wobbler toys too--the "small" one--but it's about as big as she is and she is not sure she wants to tackle that one. I'll have to see what else I can find. She does seem to relish our short little training sessions. She'll sit for kibble on command pretty well, though not usually for long yet. When she's not hungry anymore she'll sit just to be told what a good doggie she is, and I take that to be a very good sign.

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