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The Teachers Lodge 10-4-2011

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It's Tuesday. Opening the Lodge early because I really want and need to focus on my kids and their schoolwork for most of the day.


What's for breakfast? I'm working on a Yoplait yogurt right now.

What's for lunch? Again, I have no idea but I'm thinking I might run to the store for the makings of sub sandwiches. :auto:


What's a distraction for you today? Here, I'd like my house to be less cluttered and that I could remember where I put my daughter's Language Arts IG! :confused:


Anyone having a birthday today? I'm not but as I typed today's date, I realized that two of my friends' are and I had forgotten until now. :001_huh:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Breakfast: The kiddos had spinach & mushroom omelets. I had coffee.


Lunch: Leftover pasta & vegetables.


Birthdays: None today, but my dad's is this weekend & DS will be 5 next weekend. Better get on that party planning...


Distractions: Thinking about grocery shopping tonight. I really need to sit down at some point today and make a good meal plan for the next week or two. If I don't go into the grocery store organized & prepared to shop smart, I waste time & money like no one's business. And still find myself without things to make for dinner.

Edited by KristinaBreece
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Hi ya, Scrap!


Breakfast - my traditional 2 eggs, bagel thin and water


Lunch - my even more traditional salad with protein.


I'm a creature of habit;) Also, I know that this menu keeps my blood sugar at a good level.


Distraction - My panic at being so behind in life: the laundry, grading, lesson planning, housework, cooking, bills, just everything! It's a distraction because the sheer amount of what I need to get caught up in is immobilizing. :willy_nilly: (See how productive I am, running in circles?)


No birthdays that I know of.

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Breakfast: We all had leftovers from our favorite Italian place last night. The way I'm feeling, it was hard not to have the leftover wine too. ;)


Lunch: I'm delegating to my dh. He doesn't know that yet!


Dh just had an informational interview that went well. First one since the layoff in July. He has been lucky getting a day's work here and there. And, lest someone feels like that's not enough, the "one days" pay handsomely, so we're doing OK (hence why we finally went out to dinner last night!).


Now, he's teaching some Singapore 2A to my dd and my ds is feeding me peanut butter M & Ms after taking a break from saying his Chinese colors. Again. The wine is really looking good. :tongue_smilie:

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Breakfast: McGriddles and hash brown, I'm working on my McDonald's retirement plan and they have Monopoly going on right now.


Lunch: Unknown. Likely soup or tuna.


Distraction: Work. :tongue_smilie: Once I get done with that, I can get stuff done, assuming this horrible head cold lets me breathe, otherwise I'm going to take a nap.


Birthdays: My husband's cousin's daughter is 9 today.

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Good Morning.

Breakfast was the last of my granola, fat-free Greek yogurt and cranberries

Lunch will be leftover beef & cabbage


Distraction today? I have to take my older dd to get her retainer tightened, again. She's had it 4 weeks and this will be the second time it's had to be tightened. Our appointment is at a convenient 10:30 which is right in the middle of our morning block of school. Other than that, she is a distraction all by herself. She's spent 15 minutes getting a new composition book ready so she can write an outline in it.


No birthdays today, but we have 3 in October.


Jean, I agree with you about predictable food.

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I've had a Diet Coke and 2 peanut butter pumpkins so far today. I have sick kids so they have had an entire box of Popsicles and a steady diet of "Hello Kitty" cartoons on Netflix.


Lunch is chicken noodle soup and I hope dinner is shepherd's pie.


This is my distraction for the day. :D

That and looking up potential due dates if I am pregnant. CD 23 here.

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Breakfast was a hard-boiled egg. Lunch will be whatever DS and I can scrounge because I'm pretty much out of food (again) and there haven't been leftovers lately.


I don't know of any birthdays today, but my son's is coming up more quickly than I care to think about!


As for distractions, there are too many to mention. My schedule today is insane, and the rest of the week isn't a lot better. I need a break!

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Breakfast - toast, fruit, and big glasses of milk plus some cheese.


Lunch - They are kind of fending for themselves. One ds is having tuna, carrots, and grapes. Another is having a turkey sandwich, yogurt, cucumber salad, and an apple. The other one is having leftover spanish rice with beans, apples with peanut butter, and carrot sticks. I have a nasty headache and no appetite. So, I'm not certain what I'll end up eating.


Supper - More mexican food. They are clamoring for more and I'm inclined to indulge them because dh and I have to do the church treasurer stuff - ie. pay the bills and run payroll tonight and Mexican is quick and easy with minor clean-up.


Distraction - getting ready for our big science presentation on Friday night. Dh and I are hosting "The Science of Star Wars" and I'm making Jabba the Hut Glow in the Dark Gack with about 50 kids. I have a mini-lecture on polymers and colloidal suspensions to write up and I find this quite distracting from getting the quilt done that's on my sewing table.


No birthdays.



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Breakfast: Coffee. I love breakfast foods but not usually at breakfast times. I am more of a brunch type of gal.


Lunch: Sandwiches. My daughters love "Subway-style". I get them sub rolls and the same toppings they get when we go to subway. Makes them happy. I had a turkey sandwich.


Distraction today: The weather is a gorgeous fall day so we are meeting up with friends in the park this afternoon. Also, dh and kids just auditioned for a musical and if they all get in (very likely), we are going to be so crazy busy until Christmas. I have been looking up crock-pot and easy supper ideas so we don't blow the budget with eating out on the run.


No birthdays today but I did just celebrate my 40th on 9/18.

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I've had a Diet Coke and 2 peanut butter pumpkins so far today. I have sick kids so they have had an entire box of Popsicles and a steady diet of "Hello Kitty" cartoons on Netflix.


Lunch is chicken noodle soup and I hope dinner is shepherd's pie.


This is my distraction for the day. :D

That and looking up potential due dates if I am pregnant. CD 23 here.


Jennifer, that is a very big distraction.

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What's for breakfast? The kids had bagels, pancakes or cereal, along with a side of fruit. I had ritz crackers with mozzarella & sun dried tomato Laughing Cow cheese.


What's for lunch? Leftovers--two kids will be having macaroni & cheese, green beans, and a hot dog. Two kids will be having grilled pierogies with sausage. I will be having leftover Spinach, Mushroom & Ricotta Stuffed Shells. We will also have salads.


What's a distraction for you today? The dog, the toddler that I'm babysitting, the stack of stuff that I need to go through and file, the housecleaning that I know I still need to do. Obviously it doesn't take much to distract me!


Anyone having a birthday today? Nope.


Talk to me! I need to figure out what I'm making for dinner tonight. We'll have a very small window of opportunity to eat dinner between different kids' activities. I'm trying really hard not to resort to eating out though!

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Breakast: cereal for me, oatmeal for kids, just applesauce for the one recovering from a tummy upset yesterday.


Lunch: more cereal sounds good to me LOL likely sandwiches for the kids, whatever they round up


Distractions: 3 and 5 yr olds are ALWAYS distractions, no matter what, aren't they? aside from that, the 7 yr old learning regrouping..I'm here because I had to walk away.


Birthdays: none ... but can I have cheesecake in celebration anyway? :)

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Breakfast: Oatmeal and coffee.


Lunch: Leftover cider roast and veggies.


Birthdays: A friend of dd's on Thurs...still need to sew or buy a gift. My sister's is coming up and it's her 30th...a big year! I need to think of something awesome. Which feels like a lot of pressure and I then put it on the back burner. :)


Distractions: Tomorrow we're going to help put up siding on my parent's barn. I'll need to pack schoolwork for dd as we already missed Monday with a city-tour field trip. We did finances last night and are so close to paying down all of our debt, save for one smaller school loan- so I tend to marinate in thoughts of how to cut additional expenses or generate a bit more income to pay things down even faster. It's exciting! I need to have a budget and work on it no less than once a week or I tend to be the one forgetting where we're at and thinking we have more than we do...what's one night of ordering pizza? Oh yes, and the pumpkin lattes are back! Oh- we need to make an amazon order...blah blah blah.

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What's for breakfast? The kids had bagels, pancakes or cereal, along with a side of fruit. I had ritz crackers with mozzarella & sun dried tomato Laughing Cow cheese.


What's for lunch? Leftovers--two kids will be having macaroni & cheese, green beans, and a hot dog. Two kids will be having grilled pierogies with sausage. I will be having leftover Spinach, Mushroom & Ricotta Stuffed Shells. We will also have salads.


What's a distraction for you today? The dog, the toddler that I'm babysitting, the stack of stuff that I need to go through and file, the housecleaning that I know I still need to do. Obviously it doesn't take much to distract me!


Anyone having a birthday today? Nope.


Talk to me! I need to figure out what I'm making for dinner tonight. We'll have a very small window of opportunity to eat dinner between different kids' activities. I'm trying really hard not to resort to eating out though!


So, I ended up revamping my lunch plans. I made biscuits, honey sausage links and scrambled eggs and served it with grapes for lunch! I'm saving the "planned leftovers" that were going to be lunch for tonight's dinner instead! Yay!

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Breakfast: I haven't gotten there due to a certain DSD throwing a fit over a population graph 3 times and spending an hour delaying school screaming.


Lunch: Have not even remotely thought that far! Something easy, so probably bean burritos or sandwiches.


Distraction today: See above breakfast description lol. The twins and I are about to distract ourselves with an enthusiastic walk which I am telling the twins is PE but is really to try to relieve some stress.


Birthdays: No, but my DH and I just had celebrated our 1 year anniversary yesterday and are going away for a few days this weekend! First time away since the honeymoon YAY!!!!

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Breakfast today was a light white tea with honey, and :blush: two hot corn tortillas. They're supposed to be for dinner but they looked so yummy sitting there that in the interest of quality control I sampled them early!


We're meeting up with my brothers for lunch. I'm sitting here waiting for a text from one of them to tell me where they picked.


Today's distraction is gorgeous weather beckoning us to the park. And my brothers who are taking me to lunch -I suspect- because they're hoping I'll babysit so they can go off and play :D.


No birthday today, but we're celebrating the feast day of Saint Francis (he's my son's favorite). My son planned out a poor man's meal for dinner, so I'm loading up at lunch!

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Breakfast: bacon for me, yogurt and bacon for the kids.


Snack: Toffee studded snicker-doodles (yummy!)


Lunch: leftover spaghetti for me, chicken nuggets for the kids


Dinner: Crock pot chicken enchilada filling, rice, and beans....the enchilada fillings is a total experiment :)


Today's distraction...everything under the sun for DS...he cannot concentrate for more than 2 minutes today! So unusual! For me, lots of work to do and I am ready for the weekend already.


No birthdays....

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We actually got outside for a bit. I was going to take the kidlets for a long, scenic drive after dd's voice lesson until I saw the haboob (major, giant dust storm) hit. Therefore, we went on a short scenic drive and will be going to the First Tuesday event at the LEGO store, after all. I really didn't want to spend more time inside today. I wanted to be OUTSIDE. But that's not a wise place to be on a dusty day like today!

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