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Subject that you're always unhappy with?!


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Does anyone else have a subject that it seems no curriculum really makes you feel satisfied? For me it's Spelling and Science. I have yet to find something that I feel like I love and could stick with the whole way through. It's always try this sell it, buy that give it away. One is too simple, another needs so much supplementing I begin to wonder why I do it, the next try is too boring, on and on it goes. Am I the only one? Spelling drives me nuts :confused: I hate all the programs I've tried. And science is such an overwhelming subject that each curriculum I try I feel like it doesn't include this or that, not enough experiments, doesn't mention enough scientists, never have what we need for the experiments, or worse still the experiments don't work. I hate jumping curriculum too, because then we're left with gaps. Oh, what to do!

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Science. I've gotten to the point that I use MPH kind of like Story of the World-it's the spine that I add trade books and the occasional neat project to. And I send my DD to as many of the local museum/zoo/botanic gardens classes as I can. It works at age 6, but I'm thinking I'd better get my act together before she gets too much older!


Spanish. I've yet to find a curriculum that I like, that DD likes, and that she seems to retain. SFC is doing good things for grammar, but she often has trouble with vocabulary there that she has NO trouble with reading in context, and if we slow down the pace enough that she remembers the vocabulary, she says it's boring. If we go at the pace she can handle the grammar, she doesn't remember the vocabulary two chapters down the road. And I'm constantly messing up at finding "just right" books in Spanish-either they're too easy, or they're too hard. I'd actually give just about anything for the equivalent of the old Open Court readers, only in Spanish, at this point.


Greek. There's nothing between "So easy it's boring" and "too hard". But DD doesn't want to let it go and wait.

Edited by dmmetler
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It was spelling I suppose, until I found my spelling bliss (for now, at least). DS is unhappy with math on and off but I love what I chose so we've come to a mutually satisfying compromise. I haven't tried doing many of the mentioned subjects formally yet so that might be why I don't have any more.

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I am pretty content with what we currently use -- we switched to Elemental Science this year and LOVE it. We also switched back to R&S Math (from MM) because "if it ain't broke..." :tongue_smilie: And we added the Usborne Art Treasury for Art and while we aren't doing it every week, it is getting done more often than in the past.


Those were the 3 subjects I wasn't satisfied with last year.

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Upper grade history. I'm tired of the lack of thought provoking questions, lack of emphasis on original sources, and mindless cut-and-paste projects. I want more for my kid. We switch to Creek Edge Press task cards at the end of this cycle so I hope it's better.


To be honest, though, I'm not usually happy with how a curriculum is laid out in any subject. It's always missing something and we supplement or frankenstein it, sometimes heavily. There have been *2* over the years that I have been quite satisfied with. The rest have required quite a bit of tweaking.

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Um...everything? I actually have yet to find a curriculum for any subject that I love and fits us so well that I want to use it forever. My most difficult struggles have been with history and science. I even decided to cobble together my own US history curriculum this year because I didn't like anything I saw. Science, I'm still trying to find a good fit, but we have a couple of GEMS units to finish up before I commit to trying yet another program. We're currently experimenting with different LA programs (working through an MBtP lit unit before trying the first unit of Galore Park); I'm only keeping MM because I have to keep something consistent. I'm not 100% on board with it, and considering switching back to MEP, though. :banghead: I keep telling myself that someday it will get easier.

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Um...everything? I actually have yet to find a curriculum for any subject that I love and fits us so well that I want to use it forever.


Somehow, that doesn't seem unusual to me. I can't think of much in life that I love, or that fits so well, that I WOULD want to use it forever.

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This is interesting to read.


I love my BFSU science, though it takes a consistent 15-20 minutes per week of preparation. Now that I have the prep time part of my regular schedule, I am very happy with science. As far as learning about scientists, I follow the Core Knowledge K-8 Sequence each year and check out library books.


I also am very happy with Spelling Power, and it has gotten us great results so far. I have heard so many people say that they don't like it, though, that I hardly ever recommend it!

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Grammar, history and writing. I am already wondering what we are going to use for grammar next year. :confused: Why am I already worrying about that now!! What we are using now will be fine, but it is just a temporary fix that we have seemed to use every year since I can't find something that I like. We have been all over with history too. I decided just this week to use MOH 1 to continue our ancient study. We are tolerating EE (Ty is using this), but I need to do some tweaking to make it work for us. I am struggling with finding time to do it. Then I think we will enjoy it fine. But, yet next year I don't know what we will use in history. I just discovered WTM (and WWE) earlier this year. I am really not sure where we want to go in this yet.


Side note since many have said science, I have loved all our science. I have never used just one. We have moved around and used different programs, but have been happy with them all. I actually could not imagine using the same program through our whole homeschooling career. Our needs change every year (or every other year) and we have always found good fits.

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