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Bucket List s/o..[****] List?

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Yes. In no particular order:


I have to work hard to make other people like me.

Politics is everything.

All men are unredeemable b*stards and there's no way I'll ever marry one.


There are others, but they get too personal.

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Can I also add:






I've given up on the idea of becoming fluent in a foreign language. Maybe if I end up living in another country for a really long time. Otherwise, it's not going to happen.


I also realized that I have no desire to get over my fear of heights or to run a marathon. And my life will be just fine even if I die without ever having successfully done a split.

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Yeah - I'm giving up on the "fluent in a foreign language" thing unless I land in a foreign country. I love languages, but it hasn't happened so far and that's okay.


I used to have big plans for climbing major mountains. Isn't going to happen. I do like climbing the biggish ones we have locally though.


Traveling to every country on earth, LOL. I really wanted to see EVERYTHING when I was younger. My list has gotten much shorter.




I feel like the last few years I've gotten more timid, more conservative, etc. because the expensive years of raising children have really sucked most of the energy out of me. Now I'm beginning to see that this is a finite period and I could have 20 to 40 years on the other side of raising my kids. I may get a lot more adventurous again.

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rofl over the "what in the world" comment. seriously.


This has nothing whatsoever to do with this post, this is merely to say that I have downloaded some of your fonts in the past - awesome work! When I read your signature, the wheels started to turn and I realized I'd heard that name somewhere before.... ;)

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I always thought I'd go back to school and get my PhD when my kids were all school age. Well, now that I'm their school teacher and I have already forgotten so much of what I learned in grad school (Hebrew especially) I just can't see that happening. And I'm beginning to care less and less each year that goes by.

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I've given up on the idea of becoming fluent in a foreign language. Maybe if I end up living in another country for a really long time. Otherwise, it's not going to happen.




Before kids I was actually a linguist. I find language study fascinating, but I've given up pushing Latin on kids who would rather eat glass. Life's too short.

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I don't need to run a 5K. Just because all of my friends do marathons and mud runs and CrossFit and all sorts of physically demanding crap in the name of "fun" and "fitness" does not mean I need to do a 5K. Ever.


~ Linda (who gave up on Couch-to-5K training at week 3. Twice. Okay, three times.)


I LOVE you for this. All of it.

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being liked by everyone is no longer important to me.

Not liking everyone is no longer important to me.



This is mine too. I am not someone who is liked and it used to always bother me immensely. Enough that I would try too hard and have it backfire which would make me decide to just become a hermit. I have finally gotten to a point in my life of just accepting it and realizing that whether I am liked by everyone or whether I like everyone is not the end of the world. It is what it is. Funny thing is since accepting that I have been able to put myself out there more. This past weekend I was working a table at the mall for the town extracurriculars registration day. I knew the people working almost every table. I knew their children (I had watched most of them at daycare last year). I had people stop by my table and tell me they missed me at the daycare, or they missed seeing me around town over the summer and were excited to see me at the activities this fall. As I walked by each table someone would yell out hello and want to talk to me for a while. It was the most awesome day I have had in a very long while. I am not best buds with this people, in fact most I had only considered acquiantances, but until I accepted that I just didn't care one way or the other and stopped trying to make people like me, they started to actually do so. Why oh why could I not have had this revelation back when I was 12 and the whole cycle began.


Wow that got long winded. Actually that is the other thing on my list. I have given up on trying to be concise and to the point. I can't type that way, and I don't talk that way. I will always be long winded. I have just accepted that about myself. And if people don't like it, well, see above ;)

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Getting a tan was a goal of mine for 20 years. Not a tan I have to prove I have -- a nice, deep tan like people who tan easily get.


I gave up in 1989 when I moved to Boston and discovered there were scads of people with skin like mine (Irish). The fact is, I do not like lying around doing nothing, and my skin doesn't tan well anyway.


I have embraced the fish belly white look.


This was a serious goal -- on my list along with earning college degrees, professional goals, and getting married and having kids.


The professional goals went by the wayside, too.

Edited by RoughCollie
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I've given up:


trying to get my hair to have a style. It's curly, period. It will do what it wants.


keeping up with decorating trends. I have stuff I like, it's classic. We live in a vintage cottage house, it fits. Plus wall art takes up bookshelf space.


having a nice car. I like the one that's paid for better.


I'll never get the Oscar either, but mine would have been for best director.

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I've given up:


trying to get my hair to have a style. It's curly, period. It will do what it wants.




Ooo, yes. Except my hair isn't even really curly. It's just wavy, which means that parts of it randomly stick out no matter what I do to try to keep it in one place. So now I just look like I haven't brushed my hair in days most of the time.


One thing that I've given up on is my dream house. And that's been a long, hard road for that to die. As a kid, I used to design different versions of my dream house. I was the weirdo kid who asked Santa for graph paper and a protractor for Christmas. By high school, I had come up with some great versions and had really perfected it by college. In grad school, I even built a scale model of it out of balsa wood. Unless there is a drastic change of circumstance, it will never happen, and I've come to terms with it. I'm really happy that we have a home at all. It's far from my dream home, but it's warm, safe and provides for our needs. In this world, we are very lucky to have a home, and I do appreciate that.

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