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William and Kate expecting twins?

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If they already know the sex of the babies, wouldn't that mean she was expecting before the wedding?




Nah, wasn't the wedding in April? Five months is plenty of time. They're good kids, ya know. :D


I feel like a total goober but I would love them to have twinsies right away. I remember rolling my eyes when my mother was so excited about Charles and Diana and I remember the footage of William being brought home from the hospital. Now I've joined the ranks... :rolleyes: at myself. They're too sweet, those two.

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Sadly, they are not. I was hoping they were, so I could say, "I did it before wills and Kate." :lol:




Must you dash our hopes so soon? :tongue_smilie:


I'm going to end up back at the BJU immigrant/slave thread again and that is not going to work out well for me. :lol:

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OK, but Camilla really is a b*tch, right?


Awww, come on. I've never understood the Camilla hate. It's not her fault the royal family wouldn't accept her the first go round and he ended up marrying someone else. Granted what we've been told happened during the marriage, I can't get on board with, but it's so long ago now. She and Charles seem really happy and if his kids can accept her, we should too.


Now, let's dish about the possibilities of Harry and Pippa. :)


BTW, if Han Solo had been a girl, I wanted to name him Philipa and call him Pippa. This was months and months before Pippa came on the scene. I just think it's cute.

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If they already know the sex of the babies, wouldn't that mean she was expecting before the wedding?




they were married in april - it's now mid-september. Depending upon position of baby, they can tell by 16 weeks. (my son would only present his back - I think he finally turned at the last minute.)


Since twins they look for heartbeats - they can tell as early as five/six weeks. (I had an US at seven weeks, and we could see that little heart pumping away.)

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Awww, come on. I've never understood the Camilla hate.


Y'know, I was just kidding (about what I read on the headlines of the trashy newspapers while I was standing in the grocery store line yesterday). I know nothing about Camilla, and I have no opinion of her myself. If she rides horses, that's good enough for me.

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