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I miss America today.

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For the first time since moving to Malaysia two and a half years ago... I really miss America.


This day weighs heavy on my heart. We spent a lot of time talking with our kids about what happened ten years ago and why it is important. We talked and prayed and did what we could to commemorate this day. We talked with the kids about the lives lost and the sacrifices still being made.


But here in Malaysia it is not even a blip on the radar screen. It just really made me long for my fellow americans who understand why I am so sad today.

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:grouphug::grouphug: I'm right there with you! When it happened 10 years ago, we were attending a church in which a lot of people had connections in NYC and DC and it was very real to them. We grieved together. Though awful, there was a spirit of togetherness, support, love, and understanding that we shared as a church body.


Our current church, though loving and definitely of a mind to remember and pray, are much more disconnected from it. No one knew anyone or knew anyone who knew anyone, who perished or was injured that horrible day. I'm the only one. I didn't lose family; I lost two wonderful college professors, people whom had taken me under their wing, people I had loved dearly. I didn't know until I logged online a couple of days later and was praying over the passenger/crew lists that had been published. It was a gut punch...dh is the only one I am around today that gets that. So for me, even though I am in America, I feel lonely because it's a philosophical, political, social, blip...a tragic blip...certainly no one takes it lightly, but not a personal blip, not on my level.


I'm sorry! I get it...I really do. I hope tomorrow is a better day for everyone.



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Me too. The attack was mentioned in church this morning, only just mentioned. Life here is going on completely as normal. And yet I don't feel normal. I want to be with people who are also remembering the attack and mourning the loss. And I really feel sad that I was here during the attack as well. I've heard of how everyone pulled together after the attack, how there were flags flying everywhere, people were helping each other. I missed all of it. I felt very much alone then and I feel very alone still.


So, :grouphug: I can empathize.

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I understand! This is the one day I miss having cable. :( I haven't gotten to see any of the tributes live and have had to hunt down recaps on the internet (which are not the same). My church mentioned it and prayed for the families of the victims as they re-live this day in history. But that is all. I wanted more. I wanted true remembrance.



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I attend a church in California and their whole service was dedicated to remembering and Hero's. When we drove up to the church there were two huge firetrucks whose ladders were raised and met in the sky, from them an American Flag flew. It was really touching to drive in and see the display of patriotism. There were also firetrucks and police cars parked all around the church. Everyone who is in the service field was asked to wear the uniform to church today. They did an interview with a local firefighter who went to NY to serve and help that day. He talked with a Military person and a Police Officer who serve in our community. The Pastor asked each field of service (Military, Firefighter, Police, EMT/First Responder) to stand up when announced so that we could show our thanks and respect. The Pastor is always asking all of us to say "thanks" whenever we see a person working in the service fields. It was really touching, the Firefighter who was in NY said that when people said thank you to him he felt very uncomfortable and didn't know how to respond. Today, he said that now he looks at the person who is saying thank you and says back to them, "your worth it."


Just wanted to share

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I attend a church in California and their whole service was dedicated to remembering and Hero's. When we drove up to the church there were two huge firetrucks whose ladders were raised and met in the sky, from them an American Flag flew. It was really touching to drive in and see the display of patriotism. There were also firetrucks and police cars parked all around the church. Everyone who is in the service field was asked to wear the uniform to church today. They did an interview with a local firefighter who went to NY to serve and help that day. He talked with a Military person and a Police Officer who serve in our community. The Pastor asked each field of service (Military, Firefighter, Police, EMT/First Responder) to stand up when announced so that we could show our thanks and respect. The Pastor is always asking all of us to say "thanks" whenever we see a person working in the service fields. It was really touching, the Firefighter who was in NY said that when people said thank you to him he felt very uncomfortable and didn't know how to respond. Today, he said that now he looks at the person who is saying thank you and says back to them, "your worth it."


Just wanted to share


Thank you for sharing this. It made me cry. What I wouldn't give to have seen just one American flag flying somewhere.

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I was in Malaysia on 9/11. A very good friend of ours saw it on the news and invited us over to watch it at his place. We did not have cable, so we stayed at his home until 1am.


My cousin worked at the National Hospital, across from the Pentagon, at the time, but thankfully was at a patient's home that was located outside of DC on that day.


We saw the Malaysians' responses. We saw the responses of many different nationalities, too. It was a very enlightening time.


It was also interesting to see the "changes" in America when we came back stateside a year later.


I felt as if our service at church this morning did a good job of recognizing and honoring the events and outcomes of 9/11. I hope that others in our service agreed, too.

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