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I need survival tips

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Not exactly what you are looking for, but here are some random suggestions.


1) Learn to pass the bean dip when the moody person starts in on certain topics.


2) Don't take on others moods.


3) Don't feel you have to 'fix' the other person or everything they complain about.


4) Figure out if you can tell the moody person, 'I need to not hear it/be around you/deal with it now' I'm going into another room for a while and will be back after I've had a break.


5) Learn not to argue back. "I see that you feel/think/believe X. I disagree. We don't have to agree on everything."


6) Learn to ask the person to take a bad mood elsewhere. 'could you go to your room, outside or way from others until you can be civil with others.'


7) learn silence. Sometimes there is nothing you could/should say.


8) Pray.


9) say Serenity Now over and over. Okay that one is just to be funny. Sometimes humor will diffuse a situation.

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Try as hard as you can not to engage with the moody person. It's not likely to put you in a better mood.

An ipod and earbuds can be your best friend. Helps tune it out.


When the person is NOT being moody, try to be as friendly as possible...positive reinforcement works for adults, too.

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ear plugs (dh did ask that I please let my hair down to cover the ear plugs so his mother wouldn't see them. Of course, his mother didn't notice him laughing hard when he saw me wearing them!)

play music moody person doesn't like. (sweetest niece found playing music grandma doesn't like will drive her from the room so sweet niece can work in peace.)

yoga - it increases your ability to handle moddy person.


years ago, I did tell moody mil how glad I was I filled her need to complain. for at least 30 minutes she was grumbling around my house about how she didn't like to complain. (yeah, right. and the sun sets in the east.) I was able to laugh for a good 30 minutes listening to her. really relieved some of the strain.

Edited by gardenmom5
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Insert your best tips for living with moody folk(s) in the household. I don't want to go into more detail, but this is not going to change, so I have to find a way to live with it and help rest of the family do as well as we can under the circumstances.


Your best ideas, please. And thanks ever so much!


"Mis-hear" them, and respond as though they said something nice/positive.

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If you are moody, remove yourself from the group (aka, go to your room or out for a bike ride) and work through it. Not fair to make the entire family adjust for you.


If this is someone who doesn't live with you the advice would be different. Can you give just a little more detail without giving too much away?

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A thought consuming hobby could be good. Go out to the garage and paint something or get out your sewing machine and sew something. Keep yourself from dwelling on the last dumb, mean, rude thing said so that you are not becoming like that person. Also, I would get out of the house to exercise once a day if at all possible. I have a very grumpy preteen right now and I live for my hour at the gym with fun people getting our exercise together.

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Sometimes moody people have blood sugar lows that contribute to their crankiness, so I like to offer juice or food to cranky people. (I do this for the neighbor children and it seems to help. I am also convinced that's why my skinny neighbors are so angry so much. They go too long between meals.)


I agree.


Has the OP considered blood labs to rule out medical issues? Even for OCD there is Luvox to help with this factor. Thyroid can also be out of whack too?

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Thanks, everyone, for the thoughtful ideas. I've made a list and will work on applying them as they seem appropriate.


I wish that feeding carbs were appropriate for us, but we live with IDDM in the family as well.


We just got our internet back on this morning, so that's why I'm so late acknowledging your answers, not b/c I didn't think they were helpful.


Many thanks!!

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