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Empty Bookcases?!?

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:lol: Just stack some books on the counters and have the kids scuff the applainces up with peanut-butter fingerprints and you're fine!


Whew!! I was worried!

Actually, the baseball equipment is so much more prominent in the entryway than the flowers, I don't think anyone would accuse us of not being able to relax (although I do insist it all gets put away before guests arrive).

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Did you ever visit people who have beautiful, built-in bookcases that are COMPLETELY EMPTY??? :svengo:


Is it really possible that some people choose to have no books? Gasp!


We've recently been to several houses, in well to-do neighborhoods, with beautiful built-in bookcases, completely empty of books. A few had knick-knacks or framed photos or both, or maybe a trophy book of some sort.


I'm I the only one who considers this kind of strange?


I'm hoping they are truly avid readers, who donated all their gorgeous books to the library for the upcoming book sale, and are now really into their Kindles. :D

My God. I thought you'd been robbed. (apparently by homeschoolers.:lol:)


Yes, I remember that in my parents' neighborhood in the 80s. I was a teenager, and was completely shocked. And I'm always feeling like something is amiss at my in-laws' place, too. No books. But no bookshelves either, so it's not glaring.


I don't understand how people live without books. How weird.

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ETA: Oh good! The snob who likes to appear well-read but doesn't actually care to read books may still buy books by the yard here. Hah!



"Here, we ask that you disregard the quality of the text in favor of our books' outer beauty. Home libraries are often more about decorative splendor than they are functionality."


REALLY - why spend money on books you will never want to read!! That is crazy!

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I saw a magazine article where all the spines were turned inward. You know, so it's visually more attractive. With all white pages. Except....how do you find your book?!


Yup, I've seen that. I don't know what to think. :001_huh:


Think Hitchcock. That's Twilight Zone weirdness right there.

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Decorators, friends, neighbors - whoever these people are who advise other people on what to put on their shelves (knick-knack, book or otherwise) are living in a dream world inspired by HGTV and BH&G.


Most of us live in our houses - we didn't buy them to stage for the world to admire - we actually live in them. Yes, no clutter is visually appealing - if you need that for the sake of sanity then visit an Ethan Allen store from time to time. In your own house, put the books on the shelves - no guilt required.


I think this whole granite countertop, stainless steel appliances, books as decorations, fresh flowers in the entry way, house obsession is akin to the airbrushed, skinnier than a pencil fashion model/actress complex. They are both equally unrealistic and, imo, unhealthy. Home is where we should be able to relax - not feel like we are being filmed 24/7.




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Did you ever visit people who have beautiful, built-in bookcases that are COMPLETELY EMPTY??? :svengo:


Is it really possible that some people choose to have no books? Gasp!


We've recently been to several houses, in well to-do neighborhoods, with beautiful built-in bookcases, completely empty of books. A few had knick-knacks or framed photos or both, or maybe a trophy book of some sort.


I'm I the only one who considers this kind of strange?


I'm hoping they are truly avid readers, who donated all their gorgeous books to the library for the upcoming book sale, and are now really into their Kindles. :D


It makes me want to take their beautiful, but neglected, bookcases home with me...I have plenty of books in need of bookcases, or better bookcases. Such beauty and space gone to waste.

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You might have seen that when we first moved to this house a few years back.


We had been so overwhelmed with books in our previous tiny house that I banished to vast majority of them to the basement. The living room was to be a peaceful haven from clutter. And yes, books can be clutter.


Our books line the corridor to the bedrooms. We put in a long row of Ikea DVD shelves, which are just the right depth for most of our books.


Oh, and we have a little carpeted loft room where the boys' books line the walls at floor level. They lie around up there and read. Because it's a little tucked away, they can leave books lying around a bit.



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My SIL has my dream room in her house, but has few books. It's an unbelievably beautiful two-story study with huge walls of wooden built-in bookcases. There is a loft on the second-story where one could (theoretically) sit and read overlooking the study. She even joked with me when they were building the house that she needed to borrow my books, just so the cases would make sense. :D


that sounds stunning!


we have a small house. a basement\library\formal space just doesn't exist - so our books are packed in messily in plain sight, we're always wondering where we can sqeeze in another bookshelf.

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