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Kid pee on a couch.

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Clean it to remove the stain and use either a Borax and water mix or vinegar to remove the odor and chance of bacterial growth that would also cause odor.


Why yes, when our dog was a puppy she DID pee on our mattress. How did you know?:glare:


Depending on the fabric, I'd use one of those enzyme liquids that you use to remove animal pee, that Miracle-________ stuff that you can buy at Walmart or Petsmart (and probably a lot of other places).

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It depends on the couch. We have a small boy that has wet our couch numerous times. We take the cushion off, wash the cover in the washing machine and wash the foam outside with a hose and Bac-out. Although all our couches are micro-fiber, so I'm really not sure if that would work with suede...

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Depending on the fabric, I'd use one of those enzyme liquids that you use to remove animal pee, that Miracle-________ stuff that you can buy at Walmart or Petsmart (and probably a lot of other places).


Nature's Miracle is a product that you can get at a pet store. It has enzymes in it that work on accidents. I would use that in an inconspicuous place first to make sure it is ok on the fabric.




Because it had time to set, I really think you want the enzymes to break down the bacteria to get rid of the smell. It has a fairly strong smell at first, but once it's dry (dd's BRAND NEW mattress with cat pee took several days to dry) you will never smell a thing. Cat pee is FAR stronger than human. the stuff really does work!

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