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Anyone have a nice Facebook story?

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Just today I searched on my maiden name and came across a man in the Netherlands who had posted some neat old photos of his American relatives: my great-grandparents, my grandparents and their six children. It seems his grandfather was my great grandfather's brother. (Confused? :lol:)


Neat huh?


I'd been thinking we might be Pennsylvania Dutch (German), but if I have relatives in the Netherlands, I guess I'm just plain old Dutch. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't have a story that comes close to that one... connected to facebook anyway... BUT, I will say that I DO totally enjoy facebook....


Friends that live far away that get busy, like me, and don't call (also like me) can post some little comment on a fun photo and I feel close to them once more....


Comments from my mom or my daughter that make me laugh...


Criticism from an aunt, who we just try to ignore, knowing that underneath it all, she means well...


A quick chat with my college roomie...


Another quick chat with my best friend... and another... and another... because we don't live near each other and don't always pick up the phone or talk in front of the kids, but we can sit and type away while having a great conversation!!....


Anyway... I ignore apps... rarely play a game or two... but love the connection...

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I have a friend in my town who has a friend in another state who is friends with a long-time WTM mom in that state!


The mutual friend had posted on both my friend's walls at different times. She finally looked familiar, so when I went to her page, I saw both my friend's name, and my WTM friend's name.:001_smile:


FB makes the world seem so small!

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I got a message just last week from a person unknown to me who realized we were friends with two people, completely unrelated. Turns out my aunt is her next door neighbor and the second person is a friend of mine who works with my mom, who happens to be her sister's bff. These two mutual friends live 400 miles apart. LOL

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It took me a long time to get on the FB bandwagon- but I am so glad that I did. I have been reconnected with people that I thought I would never hear from again. Last winter I reunited with my college BBall teammates...it was such a huge gift in so many ways. My face hurt from smiling and laughing so much. When I came home I brought a bit of the old me back with me. It really gave me a new outlook and I smile a whole lot more!


Over the years I have been terrible at keeping in touch with people- FB has given me a second chance at those friendships!

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I think one thing that is popular on FB right now is groups like, "Memories of Growing Up In or Living In ......" I grew up in a fairly small town in central Missouri. This group for Mexico, MO has been going strong and has brought back many memories of people and places that I hadn't thought of in years.

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It's a tad on the bittersweet side, but most of it is a good FB story.


Last summer on Facebook, I met an entire side of my family that I had a hunch existed, but didn't know much about. Let me try to explain briefly...


Both of my parents died when I was a baby, so I was raised by my mother's side of the family. Sadly, I did not have any contact with my father's side until a brief encounter when I was in college. My maternal grandmother did not prohibit contact with my father's family, but she didn't exactly encourage it either since they did not initiate contact with me (and for other reasons I won't get into here). I always wondered about that side of my family and imagined a bunch of cousins that I would never get to know, but never pressed the issue with my grandmother.


From that brief encounter back in the mid-90s, I did keep in touch with my father's sister and her husband, and I ended up "friending" them on Facebook. My curiosity got the best of me one afternoon and I noticed that my uncle had a ton of FB friends with my father's last name, and I went through a bunch of their profiles thinking that they must be all of the cousins I dreamed about when I was kid. I decided to reach out to a few of them and suddenly my FB friends list doubled with not just cousins, but nephews and a niece! I had also discovered the real mystery by finding my sisters! I finally was able to meet the sisters that my aunt had told me about, but I had never been able to meet.


Now, we aren't the big happy family that I thought we would be, but it was still nice to find all of these people and put together some pieces of my family background all through Facebook. :)

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My second cousin found me on Facebook once, through a group called "I'm a [my mother's maiden name]." He sent me a lot of old family pictures. :)


I've also had some good unexpected conversations with younger siblings on Facebook. I really enjoy keeping up with old friends, too.

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My sister used to teach at an English academy in Korea. While looking at her Friends list, I saw someone whose face and first name were so familiar. I knew I had met her before but couldn't remember where, which was very strange considering that my sister knew her because she was also in Korea but teaching at a different school. I finally remembered that she was the good friend of one of my roommates when I was in college, and she spent a weekend at the house several students shared one summer. After I sent her a message, I found out that she was also the niece of my parents' next door neighbors and we realized that at least once we had played together as kids, since her cousin was my best friend growing up. So bizarre but cool! It's definitely a small world.

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--and I had never even known it. He was a student in my 7th grade class when I was student teaching back in the early 80s. He confessed that he'd had a crush on me back then, and that coming to school was a bright spot in his life, since he was the child of alcoholic parents, and his older brother had died of a drug overdose. I had not known about any of this until he told me all these years later. I remember that he used to bring me wildflowers that he'd picked alongside the road as he walked to school each day. He said that he had remembered me all these years too, and now he's happily married, with children of his own, and is a leader in his church and community. It's very gratifying to know that I made an impact on someone's life without even realizing it at the time.

Edited by ereks mom
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