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"The Laminators"

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Back when unsinkable was a younger lass attending university to earn her BS in education, she noticed there was a certain type of personality that was drawn to the teaching profession. She met them in her education classes and in all her interactions in classrooms.


This type of person loved the "stuff" of teaching: the coordinating bulletin boards, the pretty pencils, the nametags, the colored chalk, the little desks arranged (and rearranged and rerearranged) in fun patterns.


This type of person LOOOOVED laminating. LOVED IT! In fact, when unsinkable started her student teaching, several teachers asked her if she had received her share of the laminating allotment that each teacher at the school received. They were quick, very quick, to tell her that if she did not want her allotment (in was measured in feet) to be sure not to let it go to waste and to give it to them! :lol:


Now, unsinkable is an older lass, and she wonders if any of these Laminator types are responsible for the longer and longer school supply lists.


OK...I'm sick of referring to myself in the third person.


How many of these teachers are just supply junkies???

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I dropped out of eduction classes after taking 3 of them. Couldn't take it. But, my sister did get her degree in elementary ed, and she has a story about failing a class because she was unable to get the ditto machine to properly copy her masters. I think that class was run by a "laminator" type. Apparently, this professor thought making dittos was crucial to teaching.

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I dropped out of eduction classes after taking 3 of them. Couldn't take it. But, my sister did get her degree in elementary ed, and she has a story about failing a class because she was unable to get the ditto machine to properly copy her masters. I think that class was run by a "laminator" type. Apparently, this professor thought making dittos was crucial to teaching.


It doesn't surprise me at all.


Your poor sister.

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Guess what I'm doing today...LAMINATING!! It seriously makes me giddy! I am also a Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist and yes, there is a common personality trait in almost all of us. During grad school we would plan outings to the education center to laminate and use the die cut machine, and delight when we could go buy new pens, pencils and cool notebooks for new projects. :lol::lol:

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Guess what I'm doing today...LAMINATING!! It seriously makes me giddy! I am also a Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist and yes, there is a common personality trait in almost all of us. During grad school we would plan outings to the education center to laminate and use the die cut machine, and delight when we could go buy new pens, pencils and cool notebooks for new projects. :lol::lol:


I love SLPs!


My kids needed services for quite a while.


I think there should be a SLP Barbie! :lol:

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I am a Laminator. And a supply (school and office) junkie. There could very well be a correlation there. Hmmmmm.


Guess what I'm doing today...LAMINATING!! It seriously makes me giddy! I am also a Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist and yes, there is a common personality trait in almost all of us. During grad school we would plan outings to the education center to laminate and use the die cut machine, and delight when we could go buy new pens, pencils and cool notebooks for new projects. :lol::lol:


Laminators Unite! My name is JudoMom, and I am a junkie. I've told my friends that if society collapses, my contribution to our survival fund will be pencils (they have practical stuff like chocolate and rice).


I bet there is a correlation.

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Back when unsinkable was a younger lass attending university to earn her BS in education, she noticed there was a certain type of personality that was drawn to the teaching profession. She met them in her education classes and in all her interactions in classrooms.


This type of person loved the "stuff" of teaching: the coordinating bulletin boards, the pretty pencils, the nametags, the colored chalk, the little desks arranged (and rearranged and rerearranged) in fun patterns.


This type of person LOOOOVED laminating. LOVED IT! In fact, when unsinkable started her student teaching, several teachers asked her if she had received her share of the laminating allotment that each teacher at the school received. They were quick, very quick, to tell her that if she did not want her allotment (in was measured in feet) to be sure not to let it go to waste and to give it to them! :lol:


Now, unsinkable is an older lass, and she wonders if any of these Laminator types are responsible for the longer and longer school supply lists.


OK...I'm sick of referring to myself in the third person.


How many of these teachers are just supply junkies???


Hmmmm....I never enjoyed laminating and I don't have a traditional teaching degree ( I used to hold a music ed license but I've let it lapse), but I will admit here to practically getting high from the smell of school supplies (like fresh rain, they have a smell :D), and wishing that my boys were younger so we could still be buying up crayons, markers, big erasers, penmanship paper, etc. :lol: Oh, and clarinet/oboe/saxophone reeds are the end all and be all of the music ed teacher's existence. We get positively giddy to purchase them and especially when a student is moving up a level...that moment when your best clarinet player in middle school moves from a 2.5 to a 3....."them's partying moments!" ;)


I think "The Laminators" would be a GREAT name for a teacher band.



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I'm an early childhood music teacher, and I admit I LOVE making materials and getting new supplies. One of my exiting kids (moving to piano lessons at age 6 :) ) gave me a set of four drums as a goodbye present, and it was literally about the most thrilling thing he could have given me.


Oh, and I own my own laminator and am seriously considering a Cricut.

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I'm guessing it's a gender thing too. My teacher husband has very little (maybe no) interest in laminating, while I have two laminating machines just for lil' ol' me. School supplies beyond the basic and practical leave him cold, while I am getting ready to apply for Hoarders--The Homeschool Edition.

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I'm guessing it's a gender thing too. My teacher husband has very little (maybe no) interest in laminating, while I have two laminating machines just for lil' ol' me. School supplies beyond the basic and practical leave him cold, while I am getting ready to apply for Hoarders--The Homeschool Edition.



Oooh I would watch that show. Heck I would camp out on their lawn and help "cure" them of their ailments by thoughtfully taking the "clutter" home with me. :D

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I'm guessing it's a gender thing too. My teacher husband has very little (maybe no) interest in laminating, while I have two laminating machines just for lil' ol' me. School supplies beyond the basic and practical leave him cold, while I am getting ready to apply for Hoarders--The Homeschool Edition.




Ooohh! What an excellent idea for a show! Can I be on the clean-up crew? ("No, ma'am, you DON"T need that, I NEED to take it away! Let go! Let GO!")

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I have no interest in buying a lot of school/office supplies beyond the basics.


However, I am a Laminator. I love laminating. I just started using my laminator, and I find myself daydreaming of things I could make just so that I could laminate them. My husband and two sons have already received laminated "I love you" notes. "Uh, neat. What do I do with it?" "Anything you want. It's laminated! It will last FOREVER!"

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Ooohh! What an excellent idea for a show! Can I be on the clean-up crew? ("No, ma'am, you DON"T need that, I NEED to take it away! Let go! Let GO!")


Sure, you can be on the clean up crew. :lol: I'll give you all my half-used workbooks and papermate pens, but you'll have to pry my laminators out of my cold, dead hands.

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OK all you Laminators! You have me :lol:


Someday, unsinkable will share her other BS in Education major personality types:


Evil Missionary: "These kids are BAD and someone has to FIX them."


Benevolent Missionary: "These kids are sweet and someone has to HELP them."


Passionate Enthusiast: "Learning is GREAT! Life is AWESOME here at XYZ Elementary!"

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I bought a laminator last November when I saw a good deal on Amazon. I haven't used it yet. What does that say about me?


Me too!


I think I'm afraid that once I start I won't be able to stop. Now I know why.:lol:


I think you ladies might be classified as "Scouter Laminators." You are prepared if laminating needs come your way.

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Hi. My name is Wendy and I'm a laminator. It's gotten that the boys ask if something should be put in recycling or in the to be laminated pile. (I kid, I kid! It's not that bad. Well, maybe)


I do love to laminate though! I was also a music ed major and thoroughly enjoyed my "fun stuff" as a teacher when I was teaching elementary. I didn't care for that level in the classroom though. When I moved up to middle school and taught general music and theater, I did still find more grown up ways of using the laminator. :tongue_smilie:

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