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Where to buy easy readers for cheap?

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DD7 is starting to read easy books (finally! :hurray:). She loves the Step Into Reading books. Right now we're on the Level 1's. I think she likes these books because she recognizes the characters (Barbie, Strawberry Shortcake, Biscuit the dog, Cars, etc). But they are like $4 each at WalMart and Target.....for a little book.


Are there other types of readers for cheaper? We have printed some of the I Am Sam books but she really doesn't care for those. And we do read Dr Seuss as well, and she seems to like those pretty well.


Bob books seem sort of boring to her.


I'm checking eBay for lots of the Step Into Reading books so that's a possibility too.

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The library?




But also used bookstores and yard sales?


Most of them are so...boring I just don't think they're worth spending much money on.


I agree that I wouldn't spend money on them if I could help it--IME, they don't have a whole lot of staying power. But if you really want to buy, I've seen good deals for lots on eBay. Library book sales always seem to have a ton too.

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