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Has anyone cashed in gold recently?


I know prices are high, and I"ve got some gold coins and other old gold jewelry to which I have no sentimental attachment. I'd like to cash it in, but I"m afraid of being "had."


Is it worth doing?



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Last time I checked, gold is worth nearly $1800 an ounce. Yeah, it's worth it!

I've heard (on the news) the advice to not send it in the mail, and to go to a place that weighs it in front of you.


I don't have any gold to speak of, so I can't take advantage of it now.

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I sold a couple of things last winter (should have waited!) I did a mail order place that seemed safe and reputable (had a great BBB rating and all that) and claimed to have the super highest payouts around, and it was fine, but it turned out they didn't offer me any more than the pawn shop down the street. We got three quotes; one from a jewelry store, one from the pawn shop (that advertised out front that they buy gold), and then the online place. The pawn shop had the highest initial quote. The online place's original offer was less than the pawn shop, but when I told them that they matched what the pawn shop said.

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Has anyone cashed in gold recently?


I know prices are high, and I"ve got some gold coins and other old gold jewelry to which I have no sentimental attachment. I'd like to cash it in, but I"m afraid of being "had."


Is it worth doing?



I'm of the opinion that in this economy, it will continue to go up. I'm hanging onto it for now.


last time it was this crazy, it didn't go back down until carter was out of office.

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We invested in gold a couple of years ago just before the stockmarket crash, and intend to hang on it. There is a likelihood it will go way up. But if you needed some quick cash...well, sell now.

It went up a few weeks back then went down again.

Silver is another good thing to invest in (not that i am any expert). An ex investment banker guy we met in Bali reckoned there is no more silver to be mined around the planet- unlike gold. That makes it likely to shoot up too. Well, whenever whoever controls the price of these things actually loses control, anyway. I am no expert, but silver is worth a look at too.

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We needed some cash last year so we took some of my grandmother's old stuff that I didn't ever wear and thought was completely fake. We got just over $2100!!! I was very surprised and it came at a great time of need for us. We went through a small local jewelry store that has a good reputation in our town and was advertising for gold.

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