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Poll: What is your homeschooling method?


What is your homeschooling method?  

  1. 1. What is your homeschooling method?

    • Classical
    • Traditional
    • Charlotte Mason
    • Unit Study
    • Eclectic
    • Unschooling
    • Whole-Heart Learning
    • Carschooling
    • Principle Approach
    • Other

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I said Classical, because that is the goal. I use the Well Trained Mind as my main guide, and plan to use it more to the letter as the kids get older. I will need more guidance in the coming years than I do now.


We do use the occasional unit study or lapbook for fun and change of pace, and have used some traditional materials. But the overall plan and schedule is TWTM. Our one lapbook last year was a St. Patrick's day one. It fit well into our Ancients study chronologically, and was just a fun detour into Ireland in March. We took a break from SOTW 1 during Nov. to explore the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving. We will continue that kind of thing as long as my children are young.

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For Language Arts:

I am using Classical Writing: It covers for me: writing, grammar, spelling & vocabulary, dictation, and narration. This is classical.


For Mathematics:

I am using Singapore Math: it is traditional, but you can easily CM this program.


For Logic:

I am using Building Thinking Skills which is recommended by the Well Trained Mind version that I have and Teaching the Trivium. I guess classical.


For Reading and Literature:

I am using Ambleside Online. This is Charlotte Mason.


For Science:

I am using Ambleside Online. This is Charlotte Mason.


For History:

I am using Story of the World, however, I am following the Charlotte Mason method with this program.


For Latin:

I am using Memoria Press products which is classical.


I never realized this, but out of the 7 subjects 4/7 is classical and only 3/7 is Charlotte Mason. I did not mention art, composer, hymns, etc. which is all Ambleside Online. I thought that I was moving toward CM, but I still have more classical stuff. Well, I am CM at heart. :D All my subjects are done the CM way (short lessons and narrate everything).


My books that I have Teaching the Trivium, The Well Trained Mind, Charlotte Mason volumes on Ambleside Online.





Edited by Testimony
forgot books
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This school year (our first HS year) my plans have been influenced by a Charlotte Mason, literature-based approach. I do have some textbooks (science, history and math) but those are for ME not them, to help me sketch out a road map, kwim? Once I understand the big picture (and textbooks are good at that), I can flesh things out, add wonderful books and make the subject come to life. That's the plan, anyway :)

Edited by shinyhappypeople
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CLA says you don’t have to be a Christian to enroll, so I guess that’s possible (I’m somewhat skeptical), but with things like “Directions for Defending the Faith†in the Puritan Curriculum, I don’t know how it could be completed if you’re not Christians, and we’re not.


I’m not sure what to do. With Great Books Academy, we can still study the Bible (you can’t understand most English literature without it) and Martin Luther (I think he’s one of my husband’s heroes). I still have to ask GBA though for more specifical information on what book substitutions are allowed.


If you aren't a Christian then CLA would not be fore you. All of their history books are totally focused on Christianity being the true religion. I think that it would annoy you. HTH

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