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How much water do you make your kids drink?

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We pretty much only drink water at home. We occasionally have milk or almond milk with breakfast, but all other drinks are ice water. We have filtered water through the fridge door, so cold good tasting water is always available. They have gotten used to it.


We do tend to drink "junk" when we are out, and around once a month or so I'll get a gallon of OJ for a treat.

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water is the default drink here.


Once a week when grocery shopping they get to pick out a can drink. (it's a 50 cent bin) They also get chocolate milk after they run 2 to 3 K. I make juice smoothy with frozen fruit and a bit of concentrate juice if we have been out for awhile running errands. (By that I mean walking around, and biking around town to different shops for a hour or two of outdoor going time)

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Our only drink is water. DH has his soda, but DS and I only drink water. I probably drink close to 100 ounces a day and DS drinks at least 40-50 ounces. I have always been worried because DS does drink so much water, but the pediatrician says it is because he always has it available in a sports bottle - thus, he takes a swig quite often.

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I don't make my kids drink water they just do. The only other drinks we have for them are milk, and sometimes juice. They are allowed 1 cup of milk a day and generally 1 cup of juice when we have it. MY oldest dd prefers water and rarely drinks anything else. I keep clean filtered water in the fridge and that helps.

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I am okay with them drinking milk or orange juice as long as it's not excessive (2 glasses of milk or one of juice). If we have lemonade, they are allowed one glass that day. They make hot tea sometimes, and Ben made himself a cup of coffee the other day (LOL, I didn't know he was doing it). Other than that, they drink water.

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It is pretty much the only thing they drink. Have you tried bottle water and not tap? We have an absopure machine and having ice cold water readily available makes them more likely to drink it.


We have a built in filter in our kitchen, the spout is next to the regular tap faucet. I try to keep the pitcher filled with cold filtered water.

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Wow its good to see that so many people are drinking water. I have so work to do in this area. But that's okay once you know better you do better right. I drink water but not enough and I am not a person that has to have it ice cold so if the water is not chilled that does not hinder me from drinking it. I think one beverage a day will be a good starting point for us. Previously I tried one glass a water then one glass of juice, milk, soda whatever. But I have found recently my oldest is giving me so much push back that I have to do something else because of course the younger ones follow his lead.

Thanks for all the input.

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Not to be vulgar, but until they "go" clear and not yellow!


Out of curiosity... do you actually... um... check? I can't imagine.


As I understand it, there is no health benefit to drinking water (more than you're thirsty for). I've even heard that there is a slight decline in kidney function when you drink a lot of water.


Here's an article from the Journal of Nephrology


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Out of curiosity... do you actually... um... check? I can't imagine.


As I understand it, there is no health benefit to drinking water (more than you're thirsty for). I've even heard that there is a slight decline in kidney function when you drink a lot of water.


Here's an article from the Journal of Nephrology



My kids know to tell me if there is a change in the color of their urine. If you don't have kidney problems, it's good to drink lots. If you do have kidney problems you have to limit your water intake.

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I don't regulate it for the girls. They have one glass of milk per day, and the onyl other thing they have available is water. So they drink when they are thirsty. If we are on the way to a long bike ride or walk, I will remind them to grab a water bottlle and drink extra (or sometimes they remind me. :D) We have a reverse osmosis system, with a spout next to the kitchen faucet.


My little guy has pretty severe vasovagal syncope, and he has had a few seizures from passing out, so we are very careful about his water intake. He must have constant liquids and salt, all day long, or he passes out and possibly seizes. The cardiologist said water at least every two hours, so we got him a watch with a timer. It chimes hourly, and he drinks water or Gatorade, depending on his activity level, whenever it chimes.


Urine should not be clear, btw; that is too much water. It should be pale. I've taught my dds to use that as an indicator, to drink most of their water between meals when it won't interfere with digestion, and to drink more when they sweat.

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Out of curiosity... do you actually... um... check? I can't imagine.




NO WAY! My dc are older. They know that "rule."


Really, we have milk in the morning, or if it's late and a child is hungry (it's so filling) but it's water for us. And we always have water w/ us in the car. Always.

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Urine should not be clear, btw; that is too much water. It should be pale. I've taught my dds to use that as an indicator, to drink most of their water between meals when it won't interfere with digestion, and to drink more when they sweat.


Does anyone else has thoughts, articles, studies, ... on this? I always thought clear urine is okay.

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We have a very laid back attitude about food-- all my kids are thin so weight isn't a concern. I don't buy soda but we have lots of juice-- usually cranberry, apple, orange, and grape. We buy the juice fortified with calcium if possible. Only 2 of my kids like milk, so the other 4 drink a lot of juice. They all drink varying amount of water as a result, some very little and some almost exclusively.


I drink a lot of water every day-- at least 8 glasses-- I limit juice to 1 or 2 cups a day.

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Does anyone else has thoughts, articles, studies, ... on this? I always thought clear urine is okay.


While normal urine color can be a light straw color, you have to realize that when you pee into the toilet it is being diluted by lots of water so that yes, it will often be more clear than straw color. When you pee into a cup for urinalysis, that same urine often won't look as clear.

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Does anyone else has thoughts, articles, studies, ... on this? I always thought clear urine is okay.


This snopes article only addresses the myth of drinking 8 glasses a day, not about clear urine. http://www.snopes.com/medical/myths/8glasses.asp




Who knew that there is a website dedicated to urine color! http://www.urinecolors.com/light_yellow_urine_color.php

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