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I'm sitting in the clinic waiting room...

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while my 7 y/o is undergoing testing for asperger's/NLD. It's supposed to take 6 hours today... is it a bad sign that after an hour she brought my ds out because he was shutting down already????:001_huh:


I hadn't told him it was going to take 6 hours because I knew he would freak out at the number. So nice of the person testing him to start right off telling me it would take 6 hours right in front of him! Uggggg.... from there it was downhill all the way.


At least they get to see him in all his glory.... I don't think it will be hard to get some diagnosis out of this! ;)

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:grouphug: We did an all day at a clinic when dd was 5 and it was the hardest day! Hang in there, let him be himself, don't worry.


If they can't finish the testing they'll have give give you other options and opinions too.


Today is accomplishing the intended goal.


Our dd was a gem. They never ever saw the behaviors we told them about and consequently the report was all about me and how they felt I was failing as a parent. BUT they did give her the ADHD piece because she didn't focus for very long on any given task. They never saw the oppositional behavior.


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is it a bad sign that after an hour she brought my ds out because he was shutting down already????:001_huh:


An hour is a long time for any 7 y.o. It's a good sign that they are taking care of him and his needs by letting him check in with you.





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Sounds like whoever told him it was 6 hours doesn't know much about kids on the spectrum. :glare:


My DS was diagnosed with Asperger's in February (he was 7 at the time too - just turned 8). Our eval was 4 hours, but I was able to be in the room with him for the most part. I can't imagine sitting in a waiting room wondering what's going on - that's got to be difficult.


Hope it goes well, and that they are able to observe what they need to in order to provide you with an accurate diagnosis. :grouphug:

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Lucky. I've seen the same thing posted on the special needs board, about how much testing it took. I have Kaiser and all they did was have me fill out a questionnaire and then we had a 1-hour meeting where the psychiatrist talked with me and my son. At the end, ds15, then age 9, was diagnosed with Aspergers. I had to read tons of books, or what seemed like tons of books, to agree with the diagnosis. I was so tired of being patted on the head and being sent on my way. I thought that was the same type of appointment.


FWIW, my son wouldn't be able to take 6 hours of testing even at his current age of 15. I can't believe they don't break it down into multiple sessions.

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Thanks for the notes everyone! Well, they do break it down into mini-sessions. The first one was supposed to be 2 hours I think... anyway... we didn't end up finishing all the testing because of his lack of cooperation. They did get the academic testing done though and he's average to above average on everything so that came out well. No big descrepency in his verbal/non-verbal scores though so I'm guessing they won't rule it NLD???


Anyway, what came out of this is that he needs to be medicated for his anxiety and we need to level out his highs and lows first. Then, they will progress with testing and most likely OT for his fine motor. She's not even going to address anything other than the anxiety at this point because she thinks once we get him on meds we may see a different boy. He may not even come out aspie/NLD at that point.


We have a psychiatrist appt. next week and one with a developmental pediatrician in a couple weeks and she'll do a whole work-up on him.


Even if he doesn't come out NLD, the reading I've done has sure helped me deal with him so it wasn't for naught. I don't really care the diagnosis... as long as we can come up with a plan to help him AND our family. His issues are really taking over the family at this point and we just need to get some control.


Thanks for taking time to comment! Sometimes I just need :grouphug:!

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We had my six yr old (then five) evaluated for Aspergers/ NLD this past yr. There were 1.5 hour sessions with ST and OT persons, and 3 1-1.5 hr sessions with testers, plus some observations. But it was over the course of several weeks. They initially dx her with Aspergers, but it was later ruled out by the ADOS. She looked VERY Aspergersish, however. We finally, reluctantly started celexa for anxiety. I don't want to say she was a different child, because she wasn't. It's just that she was able to be more fully herself. She was able to be herself in groups. The difference it made was tremendous. :grouphug:

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We had my six yr old (then five) evaluated for Aspergers/ NLD this past yr. There were 1.5 hour sessions with ST and OT persons, and 3 1-1.5 hr sessions with testers, plus some observations. But it was over the course of several weeks. They initially dx her with Aspergers, but it was later ruled out by the ADOS. She looked VERY Aspergersish, however. We finally, reluctantly started celexa for anxiety. I don't want to say she was a different child, because she wasn't. It's just that she was able to be more fully herself. She was able to be herself in groups. The difference it made was tremendous. :grouphug:


This is encouraging to hear! This is exactly the route we are taking. I'm not sure what he'll be on for meds (maybe zoloft or celexa), but I'm hoping we will see more "Rylan" come out and less of this behavior that impedes him so much. It's nice to hear this worked for you. It is amazing how crippling that anxiety can be. I find it interesting our children have manifested these things that "look" like asperger's, but maybe truly isn't. Thanks for your note!;)

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