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Is it ok to go grocery shopping almost every day?

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Lately I'm finding that I'm going grocery shopping almost everyday for something that I need for dinner. It's not an issue for gas because our grocery store is 5 min. away and is on the way to the Y that we go to everyday anyway. I'm finding it nice to do so because I am wasting and throwing away much less because I buy it fresh and use it fresh. We have sales tax here but most food is exempt from sales tax. So it should be fine to do it this way, right? For some reason I find myself feeling "wasteful" to not go and do one big shop for the week.

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Sounds great to me! :) If you are feeling guilty, make sure you park where you can drive out forward, v. reversing out. I read on some site about gas mileage that one uses less gas that way. (I have no clue as to the truth to that notion).

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No! What were you thinking?! ;)


Jean, Jean, Jean....of course it's ok. I was just kidding you. I have found myself doing something similar (I work part time so it's easy to get fresh stuff daily). You are right, it is less wasteful. I've noticed that as well.


Good to see you! :)



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I have found myself in the exact same pattern recently, because there is a grocery store in the same shopping center where my daughter's taekwondo school is, and she goes there five or six days a week. So it just seems easier, and I'm finding that there's much less of a pile up of leftovers in the fridge that get forgotten and ignored and eventually thrown out. I think it's all good.

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Sounds very European. I always think of French people doing daily little shops rather than getting a behemoth cart's worth of food. I know, logically, that they have to get the big, honking bag of cat litter and jar of peanut butter from time to time, and that it can't always be the beet greens and fresh baguette poking out of the top of the weathered canvas bag (usually slung over the handlebars of a one-speed bike, in my fantasies), but I remind myself of that when I worry I'm shopping too frequently.

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Not wasteful, probably less wasteful. In Europe, it's the norm to shop for fresh items, like bread, fruit & vegetables daily.

Unless you are noticing that you spend more because you see all kinds of stuff every day you walk in (things you have not on your list

or in your head but look good), I think it's fine.

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I hope so. I went Wednesday and Thursday last week. Then hubby insisted that we go again on Saturday and stock up on frozen stuff.


Now, today, he's stopping again on the way home because we needed milk and bananas. I just know he'll come home with some other stuff too.

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Sounds very European...



A friend of mine lived in Italy and said there was not really an option, as most apartments were equipped with teeny fridges. Daily jaunts to the market were a huge part of village life.


Seems like your arrangement works well for you and is wasteful of neither your time or gasoline. Carry on! (and I wish I could justify doing it your way!)

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I buy long-term stuff once a month and fresh items a couple/few times a week. If I only buy what is on the list, I spend less than when I try to get it all done at once. You can't buy fresh food and expect it to last. Sounds like a good plan to me. :001_smile:

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I just had a flashback to when I was first married. I was almost an invalid then and only could get up the strength to go shopping every two weeks. So I would do this really huge shop. Silly me - the first time I did this I bought two weeks worth of produce. . . guess what mostly rotted and had to be thrown away. . . After that I learned to ask dh to go just for produce at least once a week - that and I used a lot of frozen fruits and veggies during that period.

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