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Q for people who try to help others find religion...

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I don't mean this to be snarky in the least.....I am asking a true question that has been on my mind for a while.



If you work to bring religion* to people, do you care if they settle on your faith or not? ie if you are an Evangelical missionary, do you care if the person you are trying to bring religion to, chooses Catholicism instead?


*I was trying to find a generic way to word this. I mean Christ, Jesus, God, The Holy Trinity, Mary, Allah....or any other diety or figure of faith in your religion.

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Care? Yes. Why would you preach and teach if you just didn't care? However, it is God's people's responsibility to share the Good News of God's Kingdom, not to convert everyone or even everyone who will listen. Whether a person chooses to learn about God, his purposes, bring his life in line with scripture, etc is his own business.

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It's hard to answer that, because you can't tell what religion a person is going to end up as, unless you know them up to the end of their life. Everyone is on a journey. Of course I would love for people to join my church because it has brought me so much joy. BUT I would be satisfied if people just begin to consider God as important in their own hearts. If they would just take a step towards Him, from wherever they happen to be.

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I don't mean this to be snarky in the least.....I am asking a true question that has been on my mind for a while.



If you work to bring religion* to people, do you care if they settle on your faith or not? ie if you are an Evangelical missionary, do you care if the person you are trying to bring religion to, chooses Catholicism instead?


*I was trying to find a generic way to word this. I mean Christ, Jesus, God, The Holy Trinity, Mary, Allah....or any other diety or figure of faith in your religion.

I haven't read any of the other post but I will respond on how I personally feel.

I am Christian(A follower of Christ). I don't try to bring religion to people, I try to live my life in a way that others would like to imitate it as I try to imitate Christ. If they show an interest I will work with them by helping them nurture a personal relation ship with their heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.


Personally I feel that religion alone brings spiritual death and yes I am talking even about Christian religions. A true relationship with Jesus Christ brings life.

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Since I am a believer and follower of Christ, this is what I hope for all people -- since I believe it to be a truth. However, anything that gets a person a little farther along the path, even if they don't yet have an understanding of or belief in Christ, makes me happy for them.

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I don't mean this to be snarky in the least.....I am asking a true question that has been on my mind for a while.



If you work to bring religion* to people, do you care if they settle on your faith or not? ie if you are an Evangelical missionary, do you care if the person you are trying to bring religion to, chooses Catholicism instead?


*I was trying to find a generic way to word this. I mean Christ, Jesus, God, The Holy Trinity, Mary, Allah....or any other diety or figure of faith in your religion.

Yes, it does matter to me. I chose the path I chose because I believe it is the correct path. I don't believe that 'all roads lead to Heaven". I believe that the Bible is very specific about which is the right way. If you are asking me to teach you, and to show you, I will be very disappointed at the end if you decide otherwise. My religious beliefs are very personal and close to my heart. In a way if you reject my beliefs it does seem as though you are rejecting a part of me as well.


That being said, we can still be friends and have very different views.

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I don't mean this to be snarky in the least.....I am asking a true question that has been on my mind for a while.



If you work to bring religion* to people, do you care if they settle on your faith or not? ie if you are an Evangelical missionary, do you care if the person you are trying to bring religion to, chooses Catholicism instead?


*I was trying to find a generic way to word this. I mean Christ, Jesus, God, The Holy Trinity, Mary, Allah....or any other diety or figure of faith in your religion.


This is an interesting question the way you asked it, especially for my family since one side is Catholic and the other Protestant. I consider myself a Christian above all other things/religions. I do attend churches which are protestant. Yet I am happy for my Catholic family and friends who can enjoy and love God in their way. While I may not see everything eye to eye in terms of doctrine, we have Christ in common and that is what is important to me.



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