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Just finished Price of Privilege and Surviving a Borderline Parent, both recommendations from this board. I'm also reading through Harlan Coben's Myron Bolitar series. Great light summer reading. Next up are Understanding the Borderline Mother and The Dog who Came in from the Cold : a Corduroy Mansions novel.


What I should be reading are all the books on my rising 9th graders lit list for next year.


I'm not drinking anything interesting, and I read wherever I can. Bed, sofa, outdoors, in the car...

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I recently finished The Hunger Games. It was my second attempt, and this time I actually enjoyed it. However, I didn't like it enough that I feel the need to read the rest of the series though. Maybe someday, maybe never.


Currently reading Jane Eyre, and am almost finished.


I have no idea what's next. My Kindle is filled with classics as well as current fiction and a few biographies, so it's really just a matter of making a decision. At some point I also should re-read To Kill A Mockingbird and Fahrenheit 451 because I've put them on ds' reading list for his upcoming 8th grade year.


In the morning I drink coffee. The rest of the day it's usually water, though occasionally I'll have some sweet tea or iced coffee. I'm usually reading at home, though my Kindle has gone with me to ds' recent orthodontist and dentist appointments.

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I JUST finished Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon (#7 in the series). I'm drinking ice water laying on the couch in my living room/great room.


Not sure what fun book I'll read next. I'm also reading Driven to Distraction by Hallowell to help me understand my son.


I've just finished Drums of Autumn myself (while drinking coffee :001_smile:).


I'm not sure if I'm going to get the 5'th book now or wait. I'm sort of hooked, but kind of over her detailed descriptions of *everything*. It was almost unforgiveable how she left it hanging (forever!) what happened to Roger. :glare:


Also, I kind of have a lot to do. Once I start a novel, I have a hard time doing anything else until it's finished. And these are really long books.

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DH gave me a Kindle for Christmas so I have been catching up on all the classics I had never read (which, I'm sad to say, is most of them!) Right now I'm reading Moby Dick, and I have to admit I am looking something up in either the Kindle dictionary or my old Brewer's every few minutes. It is really worth the effort, though!


My daytime drink is Nescafe and ice with milk, but I often read at night with peppermint tea.

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I'm sitting here wearing a woolen jumper and a beanie, plus all the other necessary skin covering items, being cold and drooling over a gardening catalogue. I really need my own place so I can grow sexy things like New Zealand yams and tomatilloes. Since I can't, I had dh promise to bring me some bulbs or something from the hardware shop. I wonder what he'll get? I know they don't sell NZ yams... I'm gunna get a present! I'm gunna get a present! Even if he forgets, he's still a good bloke for leaving me the last ginger beer :D He even opened it for me, because I always make a mess. What a guy :D



Edited by Rosie_0801
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I'm reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and Raising Real Men by Hal and Melanie Young. I'm also reading through the book of Romans, again. Usually I'm in the air conditioned living room, occasionally in the car waiting for ds to get off work. Almost always sipping coffee (hot or iced).


Right now I'm bouncing between Terri Blackstock's Restoration series and my son's Gregor the Overlander series by Suzanne Collins.


I'm reading this series to my youngest. We're almost finished with book 1 as a read aloud. I, however, have now read all five. Great, fun reads!

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Well, this is not really light summer reading, but I have just finished Zen and the Birds of Appetite by Fr. Thomas Merton. It was fascinating. I read it interspersed with bits from Frederica Matthews-Green's The Jesus Prayer.


I am reading Alice through the Looking Glass to DC right now; we just finished Linnets and Valerians by Elizabeth Goudge.

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