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Sigh. I need to restrict myself to private boards.

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I went against all previous practice and replied to a public forum about a breastfeeding doll, and now some internet donkey has decided that his time would be best spent calling my 3 year-old a "fairy boy" because I mentioned that he mimics me nursing his brother. He has done this all of three times over the course of a year, and has plenty of bugs and legos and pretend guns (he doesn't have any actual pretend guns but he'll turn just about anything into one). Why then do I feel so personally offended on his behalf? Sigh.


I just need to ignore that whole darn discussion.

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My boys (at that age and a little bit older) begged for toy kitchens, and baby dolls, and even nail polish. Didn't bother me one bit, but it did make hubby a bit paranoid. LOL


They all eventually outgrew it, and are as "boyish" as you can get. They all aspire to be a hybrid of Chuck norris/navy seals/survivor man/Green Hornet (cool car and technology) and GI Joe.

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I think that's sweet! My son used to put dolls under his shirt when my friends were pregnant. Also, his first toy was a baby doll my mom bought. We still have it in the "keep" box in the basement. Your son clearly feels a strong bond with you and it's also obvious that he sees you as a wonderful role model. Keep it up mama!


P.S. Don't pay any attention at all to morons on the Internet!

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Internet donkey probably has some unresolved personal issues! :D Exorcise him from your mind, dear lady. You and your ds are just fine!!


Sometimes they just want to talk dirty.


My son used to line up all his stuffed kitties and pretend to be a mama cat nursing her brood. He didn't go as far as I did in imitating cats, which involved eating only out of a kitty bowl and making a 2000 mile car trip curled up at the feet of my brother on the floor of the car (although of course this kept me out of the back seat with two less gentle brothers :)).

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Just ignore him, your boy will be just fine! Mine did the same thing when he was young. He also asked to put a dress on every Sunday morning to go to church for a time (he has 2 older sisters that loved to play "dress up"). He is ALL BOY now. So don't worry about 1 dang ignoramous that has nothing better to do with his time than irritate and offend!

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Just ignore the idiot. My 3 yo boy often pretends to give birth and is always telling people about "the baby in my tummy". It's wonderful that your son has such a wonderful person to imitate. My 3 yo also wants bows in his hair like his little sister and nail polish like me. There is NOTHING wrong with your son or mine! (I'd be willing to bet that yours and mine are better-adjusted than the idiot's kids.....if he's found a woman willing to bear his children..... speaking of which.....why on earth is there a man on a breastfeeding message board?????

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Internet donkey probably has some unresolved personal issues! :D Exorcise him from your mind, dear lady. You and your ds are just fine!!


:iagree: and :grouphug: Enjoy your boys when they are little and sweet and don't let some sickie hurt you! Them boys grow up to be bristly men sooner than you think---and having a sweet mama to raise them to be who they are makes all the difference in the world ;)

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