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What brand of coffee do you drink?

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I am the only one that drinks it. Oldest will drink it every once in a while.


My mom gave me some Godiva coffee and OH MY GOODNESS..it is SSSOOO good!


I love flavored coffee and creamers.


Obviously oldest does too. He confessed to me the he sometimes takes a sip of my creamer, no wonder he is gaining weight!

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Thank you for all your responses.:) You have all given me so many brands to look into! I wouldn't even know where to find beans to roast myself! Hmmmm, I'm going to have to look into that. How do you roast the beans?


A friend of mine is opening a coffee shop in a couple weeks and she met with a barista today for a full day of one on one training. I'm sooo jealous! I'm hoping she'll share her new knowledge with me!

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