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Does anyone suspect cell phones of being unsafe?

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I've been reading a little bit about this lately and am a bit concerned. I'd like to hear what others think about this.


Do you mean unsafe in the sense of causing brain tumors or in the sense of causing car accidents or something else entirely? I am just trying to clarify the question.

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I don't like to think about it...but, honestly? I think they do.


Mine gives me a headache too- and I have an incredibly high pain tolerance.


Now with the latest study on cell phone use and pregnancy I'm even more ansty.


If I really want to worry then I think about wi-fi too....:glare:

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I was thinking in terms of effects on your brain.


My ear gets hot and sometimes I get headaches while on my cell phone. I just noticed that I have a rash on that ear and sometimes I get a sore inside my ear, like a bug bite or something. It always heals though. I'm seriously considering giving up the cell phone and just having one with pre-bought minutes for emergencies.


I'm also starting to wonder about EMFs....but I guess I couldn't avoid them unless I went off the grid....I'll have to check out that thread!!:)

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mother/fetus exposure during cell phone use while pregnant. They believe that it affects the brain development of the child. This was some scientific study. I just founded interesting. I also get head aches and ear hot with cell use.

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Oh, boy. I"m rocking in a corner on this one...


...my ear gets hot..is it because of the sound tho? I don't know....but yes, I believe it's not great for us. I'm thinkin of the emergency only use also...but DANG I'm addicted those things...as is my husband. He has to have it for work. So I sit in the corner and rock slowly...


...I won't have a microwave in the house because I dont' like the way it cooks and I don't think it's good for us. But then again I will be living near large power lines in my new house....


AAAAHHHHHH....I guess it's something we each have to decide about personally....I shall now go plug my ears and sing "lallalaaalalalalal Ican'thearyouIcan'thearyou" and be an ostrich...


I also believe in foil hats....

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My cell phone doesn't mess up my computer monitor; I don't get headaches, or rashes on my ears. Now, if I talk for a loooong time, my ear might get hot, but it does the same thing on my "regular" phone, if it's a lighter-weight one. I just switch the phone from one ear to the other.

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Yes they are unsafe and very hazardous. I was almost broadsided yesterday by a lady yacking on her cell phone not paying attention to stop lights. I had the green light and she, not paying attention because of said cell phone, decides to turn. She would have gotten one irrate momma on her case had she caused that accident with me.

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My dh gets a headache everytime he has to use his cell phone (work). He talks only on speaker phone to help with some of that.


I have a dear friend who has a tumor behind her left ear and she can no longer hear out of it. We are not sure if it is a coincidence or if it was from cell phone use but it is her dominant ear in which she used to use her phone.



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