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Pesto - without Pine Nuts


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All of my tried and true pesto recipes call for pine nuts. Now that we are growing our own basil, I want to make pesto more often and pine nuts are pricey! Do you have to use pine nuts or can you use other nuts? Or is there a completely different recipe out there?

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Nah. I'd just leave it out. Or add everything (plus the cheese) and then add the olive oil last and just add until you like the consistency.


This is definitely going to be tried over here. :)

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Exactly what I do :001_smile:


Me three! There are times when I've had basil bumper crops where I've just quickly pureed up batches with just the basil, a little olive oil and salt, and it still tastes divine!

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As has been well-reported walnuts make a good substitute for pine nuts (and pesto is good with no nuts at all, so I say they are "optional") but if you do use walnuts it helps to blanch them briefly so you can then slip the skins off easily.


De-skinning the walnuts improves the texture and removes the bitter-astringent taste of walnut skins (which are fine sometimes, but not ideal in pesto).



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