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Good grief, what do I do now?

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About 2 months ago, I printed out the entire Elemental Science student book for my dd and put it into a binder, ready to go for summer.


I have been looking for said binder ever since and now I really need it. :glare: Summer is here and I can't find the blasted thing! :toetap05:


I've looked everywhere! And, if you know ES, it's not tiny- it was over 200 pages of printed material- on one side only.


I KNOW I printed it & didn't just imagine it because I was shocked at just how much paper 200+ pages was. I just have no clue where I put that binder. :banghead:


So- it's been 2 months. I know it didn't just disappear. I don't live in a big house. I have no idea what happened. :(


Do I suck up the cost an reprint or search violently for another week?


I'm going crazy. :willy_nilly:

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Did you look:

Under the beds

On the shelf in the closets

On the floor of the closets

In the TV stand or entertainment center cabinet

Under the sofa

Behind the desk

On the bookshelves

In the craft box/bag

In the china cabinet

Sitting on the extra chair

With the summer dishes

On top of the fridge

Under the sink

In the linen closet with the beach towels

Under the cat litter box

In the trunk of the car

In the box of summer clothes in the basement

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Did you look:

Under the beds

On the shelf in the closets

On the floor of the closets

In the TV stand or entertainment center cabinet

Under the sofa

Behind the desk

On the bookshelves

In the craft box/bag

In the china cabinet

Sitting on the extra chair

With the summer dishes

On top of the fridge

Under the sink

In the linen closet with the beach towels

Under the cat litter box

In the trunk of the car

In the box of summer clothes in the basement


Do you think this list would also help me find missing socks?:D

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I'd just print out one lesson at a time as needed for now, not everything, and assume that it will eventually show up.


This is a good idea. And I'd keep looking, as with library books that sometimes turn up many weeks later - it's there somewhere. As the old saying goes, it didn't get up and walk away :)

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Did you look:

Under the beds all our beds are on the ground

On the shelf in the closets nope, but I *know* I never put it up there-will look here

On the floor of the closets yup, all of them

In the TV stand or entertainment center cabinet even under it

Under the sofa yup, all 6 of them, inside & out, top and under

Behind the desk and every bookshelf

On the bookshelves not here either

In the craft box/bag don't have one of those that would fit a 3" binder

In the china cabinet China? :lol: In my house? :lol: Nope. No such cabinet

Sitting on the extra chair No extra chairs here.

With the summer dishes none of these either, or place for them

On top of the fridge checked here. checked inside fridge. And freezer. :001_huh:

Under the sink Ewwww. Who goes in there? :lol:

In the linen closet with the beach towels

Under the cat litter box Nope

In the trunk of the car

In the box of summer clothes in the basement No, I went through the clothes already.


I can not believe this. Thanks for all the ideas. I'll keep looking but I'm just feeling so defeated at the moment. Nothing, nothing, nothing is going right lately.


And the baby has. been. screaming. all. freaking. afternoon. :willy_nilly:

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This is a good idea. And I'd keep looking, as with library books that sometimes turn up many weeks later - it's there somewhere. As the old saying goes, it didn't get up and walk away :)


It's a big flipping 3" binder. Ugh. How hard would it be to miss that? :glare: Ugh. Part of the reason I printed it all out in the first place was so I could flip through and see where it was going because we're not going to do the program in its entirety (only over summer months). So frustrated with myself. :glare:

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Well, I found a book on a basement bookshelf that was behind a stack of Rubbermaid bins. It only took me about 11 months. :glare:


BTW, have you seen a doc about your brain fog or have things be better?


I hope you're well! :grouphug:


I'm well. Just highly frustrated this afternoon. It's really hot. The baby won't stop screaming. I would really like to find that binder. Ugh. Anyways...


:lol::lol: It's funny you should mention that. - Not yet, but only because my doc is on holidays. I do have an apt.


Honest to goodness, this isn't related to that brain fog. I printed those pages several months before baby was even born. :001_huh:


I'm not sure what I was thinking in my OP (now *that* was brain fog) :001_huh::lol: I printed back in January-ish. Sigh. But, I know I've lost them long before today as I've been keeping an eye out for those pages/binder for quite some time now.

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It's the evil gnomes.


They steal things (and are particularly fond of stealing one of a pair) and hide them until you a) throw out the mate or b) replace the single. It doesn't matter how long you wait/search/pine, they can hold out longer. They probably posted about it on their Facebook page, but blocked you so you are the only one not in on the joke.


(and can I just say how much larger and clearer you all look on the PC screen than my iphone? WOW!)

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If it makes you feel any better (and it won't LOL), I lost not one book, but a four-book stack of the What Your X Grader Should Know series, grades 1-4. The stack arrived (used) in a single large package. I took them out of the package, and that was the last time I saw them, more than 6 months ago.:glare: But a printed binder? I'd be seriously mad.

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I printed back in January-ish.


Where do you keep your Christmas decorations? Check there. Look in any area in which you store seasonal items, in case you put it there thinking that you'd be messing with that stuff again before summer.


If you have tall bookcases, look on top of them. Look behind the books on the shelves. Could it have fallen behind a bookcase? I know it's a 3" binder and this is probably grasping at straws.


Think up a reward, give a good description of the object, and set your kids to looking for it.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Where do you keep your Christmas decorations? Check there.


If you have tall bookcases, look on top of them. Look behind the books on the shelves. Could it have fallen behind a bookcase? I know it's a 3" binder and this is probably grasping at straws.


Ack. Good thinking. Of course, now I'll have to rip apart my garage. :scared:

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Think up a reward, give a good description of the object, and set your kids to looking for it.


:iagree: This usually works for me! My DD found my husband's keys in the trash when I suggested it as a possibility (not saying that's where your binder is...but rewards sometimes work!)

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Do you remember the last time you had it?

What color is it? Sometimes it helps me to just scan for the color if it is mixed in with other things.

Do you have other binders that are the same size or color and you are just looking past it because it is mixed in with other similar things? Or maybe you are not "seeing" it because you are thinking it is something else?

Sometimes I am sure something is NOT in a certain place - it couldn't be so I never look thoroughly there (where ever there is). I have to make myself go through places like book shelves item by item.

It is obviously heavy - do you recall setting it down somewhere?

Did you do some kind of cleaning or sorting spree lately? I lose track of many things that way when I think I have moved something to a "better" place.

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  • 2 years later...

Okay, I know it's been two years, but I have to know - Did you ever find the binder? If so, where was it?


My mom lost dish soap once, and about a year or two later my dad found it hiding in the corner between two cabinets under the sink. He only found it because he was tearing out the cabinets!


I need to know now too!

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Is it possible the binder you used is not the one you remember?  You may remember a big white binder, but maybe it is a slightly smaller blue one?


You may need to clear the house of kids, put on your favorite music, and go through every stinking binder on the shelf, one by one.



Queen of Lost Library Books (currently Song of the Swallows)

Empress of Missing Craft Items (two boxes of embroidery floss)

Diva of science items gone AWOL (dd6's insect collection supplies)

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