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Presbyterian Question

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I am confused. :confused: I thought there was a difference between the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) and the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA)? I understood these to be separate denominations. I also thought there were other Presbyterian denominations, such as the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC).


When I called the church office to find out if a local Presbyterian church is PCA or PCUSA, well, I don't think the receptionist appreciated the question. "Who is calling? And why do you want to know?" :001_huh: I just wanted to know the affiliation of the church, why is that a hard question to answer? :confused:


She said, "There is no difference." And that was it.


I thought, If you were going to inquire about a church, wouldn't you want to know which "branch" it's a part of? Whatever. There is another Prez church in the area, and that church's website just states outright that they are a member congregation of PCA.


I do not feel like an idiot for asking, but perhaps "there is no difference?" :glare: Presbyterians, please educate me.

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We are members of a PCA church, and I do think there are differences. I am pretty sure PCA is a more conversative denomination than the PCUSA. I wish I could answer more specificially, but we are recent "converts" from a Baptist background. ;) Most of the Presbyterian churches around here indicate on their sign whether they are PCA or PCUSA. I can't imagine why the receptionist would think it odd to ask. :confused:

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How rude.


Yes, there is a difference. PCA is generally more conservative than PCUSA, and OPC would be the most conservative that I know of. There is also EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian) and they are somewhere around the PCA but maybe more liberal about some issues? I'd visit the other church after that conversation!

Edited by Old Dominion Heather
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There is a big difference! And yes, there are many denominations (PCUSA, PCA, OPC, PRC, URCNA, PRCNA, the Steelites, Outside the Camp, and others).


My guess: she does know, but is offended because she doesn't want her church "judged" on it's association. However, when looking at churches within a certain branch, yes, it does matter. PCUSA is considered the "liberal" church. PCA is more "mainline". The others are your more "conservative" outlying branches. The differences can run from which WCF they abide by, how much they abide by it, views on women in the church, views on clothing and how to raise or educate children, how communion should be served, etc.

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I think you can assume she is PC(USA.) ;) :lol: Everyone I know who is PC(USA) considers it to be "the" Presbyterian church. We are PCA, and we see a very alrge distinciton between them.


There are very, very big differences between the PCA and PC(USA.) They are pretty close (excepting the OPC) to the two far ends of the continuum.

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Thanks, I feel better now. :D It really did feel as though the receptionist was "prickly" because I asked, but sheesh, that should be a cut-and-dry question and answer. I emailed the pastor. We'll see what response I get. :001_smile:


Anyway, I am assuming that since the church has a female pastor (which I do not have a problem with) and openly homosexual members (which I do have a problem with), it might be PCUSA.


FWIW, I only wanted to know because I was thinking of signing my daughters up for their VBS and thought it might be good to at least be aware of the church's viewpoints and teachings. Not that all of it will come out in a VBS class, but as a parent, I'd like to know.


Off to find another VBS in town. :auto:

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There's a big big difference. Our church is a member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. The EPC is the newest Presbyterian denomination around. The EPC is not quite as conservative as the OPC and PCA (theologically it is conservative, but it's a little more liberal regarding things like women elders, etc. than the other denoms), but it is pretty conservative. Our church used to be PC(USA) until all the hoopla with authority of Scriptures and the homosexual stuff started becoming an issue, then we changed denomination about 6-7 years ago. The PC (USA) is bleeding churches now because of this issue and as far as I can tell, the majority of the churches leaving the PC (USA) are going into the EPC, at least that's the case in our area. There are some PC (USA) churches who do not want to leave the denomination, but do not agree with the direction the denomination is going, though, so I wouldn't paint all PC (USA) churches with the same brush.

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I think you can assume she is PC(USA.) ;) :lol: Everyone I know who is PC(USA) considers it to be "the" Presbyterian church. We are PCA, and we see a very alrge distinciton between them.


There are very, very big differences between the PCA and PC(USA.) They are pretty close (excepting the OPC) to the two far ends of the continuum.




The PCUSA has been dealing with some "liberal" decisions denomination wide so they may be seeing some fallout.


I'm in the PCA and it is very different from the PCUSA. One major difference is the requirement in the PCUSA that half of the elders need to be women whereas the PCA does not ordain women as elders.

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Thanks, I feel better now. :D It really did feel as though the receptionist was "prickly" because I asked, but sheesh, that should be a cut-and-dry question and answer. I emailed the pastor. We'll see what response I get. :001_smile:


Anyway, I am assuming that since the church has a female pastor (which I do not have a problem with) and openly homosexual members (which I do have a problem with), it might be PCUSA.


FWIW, I only wanted to know because I was thinking of signing my daughters up for their VBS and thought it might be good to at least be aware of the church's viewpoints and teachings. Not that all of it will come out in a VBS class, but as a parent, I'd like to know.


Off to find another VBS in town. :auto:


Didn't read this far before I responded but, yes, that would definitely be a PCUSA. The PCA does not ordain women as pastors.

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Are there churches which hire secretaries who are not members???

The secretary of my church growing up wasn't a member. She worked a couple of half days per week (managing correspondence and documents for the minister, creating the program/order of service, etc). I was United Methodist and I'm pretty sure the secretary attended the local Catholic church.

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Are there churches which hire secretaries who are not members???


My aunt is a secretary for a PC(USA) church and does not attend the church. So yes. But she was certainly not the person who answered the phone. ;)

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Are there churches which hire secretaries who are not members???


It's the policy of some churches to hire secretaries that are not members of the congregation. The church we attended before we converted was like this.

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