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Will this day EVER come????

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I hope one day we will be able to eat an entire meal with out having to say any of the following: "Eat your food." "Get your feet off the table." " Sit on your bottom." "Stop throwing food." "Eat." "No burping at the table." "That's disgusting, quit it." "EAT YOUR FOOD!"





Sometimes I think we'd all be better off to eat PB and J in front of the Television.

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I hope one day we will be able to eat an entire meal with out having to say any of the following: "Eat your food." "Get your feet off the table." " Sit on your bottom." "Stop throwing food." "Eat." "No burping at the table." "That's disgusting, quit it." "EAT YOUR FOOD!"





Sometimes I think we'd all be better off to eat PB and J in front of the Television.


Yes, I think it will come. They'll eventually get it. Having these conversations now will go a long way to pleasant meal times down the road!



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I used to joke that I could make a fortune if I invented a little machine you set on the table that would holler out, "Stop talking and eat your food!" every five minutes. My oldest got married last year. He and his wife come for lunch every Sunday afternoon after church and I still have to tell him to stop talking and eat.:D I have, however, ceased having to ask my children to stop throwing food, so things do get better.

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Yes, it will come. And then all the nagging and correcting will have paid off and you have raised a young person who can be company at a meal without disgusting the other people at the table.

My kids are 12 and 14, and for the most part we are done. I am appalled by the way some of their friends eat, though.

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I hope one day we will be able to eat an entire meal with out having to say any of the following: "Eat your food." "Get your feet off the table." " Sit on your bottom." "Stop throwing food." "Eat." "No burping at the table." "That's disgusting, quit it." "EAT YOUR FOOD!"


You could eat by yourself (or w/ just your dh) once in awhile. :001_smile: (Unless your dh is the one you are correcting. ;):lol:)


Miss Manners says it takes 18 years of constant nagging to rear a well-mannered adult. :D



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I hope one day we will be able to eat an entire meal with out having to say any of the following: "Eat your food." "Get your feet off the table." " Sit on your bottom." "Stop throwing food." "Eat." "No burping at the table." "That's disgusting, quit it." "EAT YOUR FOOD!"





Sometimes I think we'd all be better off to eat PB and J in front of the Television.


I have this same thought every day. Three times every day :glare:


But, I'm glad to know it's not just me. I guess it will eventually pass. I just hope we're all alive to see it :)

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It comes, eventually:) We are down to just the two 9yos at meal times (unless the big ones are visiting) and our meals are relatively calm. However, we kept the 3.5 and the 2 yo grandchildren for three days last week and several of those phrases were repeated numerous times;)

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Yeah. . . and eat with your mouth over the plate. . . don't shovel the food. . . sit up straight. . . don't lean back in the chair.


And I don't even hate these things as much as I hate that my dd8 still puts a stain on every.shirt.she.owns. Ugh. She is like the character, Pig Pen, of Charlie Brown. :blink:

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I hope one day we will be able to eat an entire meal with out having to say any of the following: "Eat your food." "Get your feet off the table." " Sit on your bottom." "Stop throwing food." "Eat." "No burping at the table." "That's disgusting, quit it." "EAT YOUR FOOD!"





Sometimes I think we'd all be better off to eat PB and J in front of the Television.


I remember telling dh in desperation, "We're going to miss this one day," over and over through the years.


While I'm enjoying a more simple and quiet life, I sure do miss my oldest. he'd often times keep me up until 3:00 talking!!! I sure do miss that. :sad: He did send me a text at 12:00 to let me know he made it safely home after his visit.


I sure am glad I have no poopy diapers to change.:tongue_smilie:

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