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Well, this is a fine kettle of fish.

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Yesterday, I sprained my left ankle and have massively bruised my right knee. (don't ask!) Here sits my little dog by the door, head cocked, ears perked, expectant look on her face. Dd is gone and won't be home for a few hours. Somehow, I have to hobble outside with this dog and let her potty without further injuring myself.


This will NOT be fun. :glare:

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EX brought dd home for a bit to do a few chores, so the dog got a long romp in the yard and the kitty box was dealt with.


I guess it's not a big deal; my dignity was injured more than my person. But, I was going out to my car and noticed one of my trashcans had blown over and the contents had spilled out. I was picking it all up and when I'd finished, I turned to go back to the car and did a face plant into the asphalt. I have no idea what happened. One minute I was putting a pizza box in the can, the next I was face down in the street with blood pooling by my face. I was sure I'd broken my glasses into my eye, but surprisingly, they were only scratched. However, I have a swollen scrape over my left eye, scratches on my face and nose and my nose bled all over. I twisted my left ankle and really banged up my right knee, which is now swollen and purple, green and red. My neighbor across the alley saw me go down and came over to help me. She got me a towel for my bloody face and helped me up. I hobbled into the house, surveyed the damage, cleaned up and went to church. By the time I got home, I was really in pain! So, I went to express care this morning and nothing is broken, but they did tell me to stay home from work tonight and keep it all elevated and iced.


Makeup will cover the scratches on my face, and thankfully, it was the bottom part of my nose that got hit (and not where the cartilage meets the bone) so I have no shiners. And, VERY thankfully, I didn't break a tooth. It was horribly embarrassing, not to mention painful!

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EX brought dd home for a bit to do a few chores, so the dog got a long romp in the yard and the kitty box was dealt with.


I guess it's not a big deal; my dignity was injured more than my person. But, I was going out to my car and noticed one of my trashcans had blown over and the contents had spilled out. I was picking it all up and when I'd finished, I turned to go back to the car and did a face plant into the asphalt. I have no idea what happened. One minute I was putting a pizza box in the can, the next I was face down in the street with blood pooling by my face. I was sure I'd broken my glasses into my eye, but surprisingly, they were only scratched. However, I have a swollen scrape over my left eye, scratches on my face and nose and my nose bled all over. I twisted my left ankle and really banged up my right knee, which is now swollen and purple, green and red. My neighbor across the alley saw me go down and came over to help me. She got me a towel for my bloody face and helped me up. I hobbled into the house, surveyed the damage, cleaned up and went to church. By the time I got home, I was really in pain! So, I went to express care this morning and nothing is broken, but they did tell me to stay home from work tonight and keep it all elevated and iced.


Makeup will cover the scratches on my face, and thankfully, it was the bottom part of my nose that got hit (and not where the cartilage meets the bone) so I have no shiners. And, VERY thankfully, I didn't break a tooth. It was horribly embarrassing, not to mention painful!


Are we long lost sisters?


Last Thanksgiving dh pre-heated the oven to make cinnamon rolls. After the oven was pre-heated, he realized there was a plate inside. He placed the plate atop the stove. This girl grabs the plate, holds it for a few seconds, realizes "Gee, this is kinda hot," drops plate on foot, and almost passes out.


The other day I cut myself on a cup of yogurt.


Once I was cleaning on my knnes. While scooting on my knees, I fell into a door knob. That was pretty.


I'm sorry your are hurting. That really sounds painful. Just know you are not the only klutz in the world.

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Are we long lost sisters?


Last Thanksgiving dh pre-heated the oven to make cinnamon rolls. After the oven was pre-heated, he realized there was a plate inside. He placed the plate atop the stove. This girl grabs the plate, holds it for a few seconds, realizes "Gee, this is kinda hot," drops plate on foot, and almost passes out.


The other day I cut myself on a cup of yogurt.


Once I was cleaning on my knnes. While scooting on my knees, I fell into a door knob. That was pretty.


I'm sorry your are hurting. That really sounds painful. Just know you are not the only klutz in the world.


Once, when I was moving out of my former home, I was trying to wall paper the bathroom over the shower surround and the step-stool slipped and down I went into the tub, lodging the step stool between my knee and the faucet. My son had to break the faucet thing off to get the step stool off my leg. I still have the scar on my knee and I needed daily chiro adjustments for weeks to get my shoulder back to normal.


Maybe we should both invest in bubble wrap and just design our clothing out of it. LOL

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