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3rd grade math


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If they put their mind to it, 15-20 minutes, if they want to fool around, up to an hour.


We do MUS. My ending 3rd grader is finishing Beta. My ending 1st grader is finishing Alpha and my PreK/Ker will be in the middle of Primer.



If the almost 4th grader would stop fooling around, he will get through Delta this year.

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My third grader started the year doing MM and Saxon 3. She switched to Saxon 54 in January but it still wasn't a great fit. I switched her to MM and CLE math late in the Spring and that has been a great combination for her. I'd say she spends less than an hour on math a day. She would rather complete it in a block than broken into several sessions.

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We take an hour, but my dd does not have a fast speed; she does everything at her own pace, but she's thorough. We drill for 10 minutes, do review or a game or CWP for 10 min., a new SM lesson for 15-20 minutes. She does the WB on her own and that can take another 15-20 minutes. Rarely do we finish under an hour, but I don't let her go much longer than an hour.

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