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Help: Bfeeding a 1-year-old

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My 13-month-old cutie pie has of late significantly decreased his nursing time. He keeps wanting to switch back & forth between sides, not staying on one side long enough for a letdown (though usually he eventually gets one or two), and when I finally give up and put him to bed, he cries and makes the sign for milk. Yeah, THAT'S a morale booster.


I'm presuming from this behavior that I must have low supply.


How to build it at this point? I've read old threads that say fenugreek and oatmeal, which I'll start asap. The fenugreek confuses me. There's fenugreek seed, fenugreek & thyme, fenulife, fenu this and that and I've no clue which one I'm supposed to take. Help please?


Is there anything else I should be trying or doing? I've no idea why I would have dried up. He seems perfectly happy and healthy otherwise--eats solids, has fairly regular wet & dirty diapers etc. Refuses to drink from sippy cups, though, so I'm worried about dehydration too. I nurse 5x/day: when he gets up; before both naps; at bedtime; and once during the night.


Any and all advice welcome, please! Thanks so much. :001_smile:

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I can't help much on increasing your milk supply, but have you thought about trying to get him to drink from a straw. My dd started doing that more than a month ago. Every now and then she still gets too much water and chokes up a little, but she does well with it most of the time. I am only bfeeding twice a day.

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About how many times is he breastfeeding a day now??


It is also normal for babies to decrease breastfeeding as they take in more solids, especially as they get older.


Fengugreek tablets or tea is what I've heard works best. Three tablets a day and you should see results within 24 hours.


Gatorade, dark beer, drinking more water, oatmeal can also help production.


Although, the issue may not be a low supply.


I would offer him a sippy cup 1-2x a day with expressed BM (if you have a pump handy, otherwise, try water?) That is a skill that just takes time to adjust to, and he might just not be ready yet. I tried once with my son, and he didn't get it until around 13-14 months. Have you introduced whole milk?


Good luck, I haven't been where you are yet, so I hope i am offering some okay advice... I hope no one comes along and kicks my butt!! :)

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I've always found the oats to be more reliable than the fenugreek, but that may just be me. Just plain fenugreek capsules are what you're looking for.


I wonder, though, if this is just a regular stage of a wiggly toddler. Of course, since you're not being fully, er, "drained", it could be resulting in decreased supply. Also, thyroid issues & various medications (decongestants) can impact supply...


Have you contacted your local LC or LLL leader?

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I would go for some Nursing Tea from Traditional Medicinals. Also, make sure you are properly hydrated. I would have to nix the beer idea as last I researched it for my supply, studies indicated it can actually decrease your supply or cause a delayed let-down that will only frustrate your ds furthur. Also, check out Kellymom. Great advice on there. :grouphug:

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My 13-month-old cutie pie has of late significantly decreased his nursing time. He keeps wanting to switch back & forth between sides, not staying on one side long enough for a letdown (though usually he eventually gets one or two), and when I finally give up and put him to bed, he cries and makes the sign for milk. Yeah, THAT'S a morale booster.


I'm presuming from this behavior that I must have low supply.


How to build it at this point? I've read old threads that say fenugreek and oatmeal, which I'll start asap. The fenugreek confuses me. There's fenugreek seed, fenugreek & thyme, fenulife, fenu this and that and I've no clue which one I'm supposed to take. Help please?


Is there anything else I should be trying or doing? I've no idea why I would have dried up. He seems perfectly happy and healthy otherwise--eats solids, has fairly regular wet & dirty diapers etc. Refuses to drink from sippy cups, though, so I'm worried about dehydration too. I nurse 5x/day: when he gets up; before both naps; at bedtime; and once during the night.


Any and all advice welcome, please! Thanks so much. :001_smile:


Oh, and I wouldn't presume you have low supply. My kids got like that between 9 months and a year. They just weren't attentive to nursing anymore. Drove me nuts. I took fenugreek capsules before and it was very quickly noticeable how my supply increased.

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I've nursed 3 kids now, well past the one year mark, and I quit feeling a letdown sensation around 10-12 months. I wouldn't take that to automatically mean your supply is low. Also, if his wet diapers are fine and he isn't drinking anything else, I doubt you need to worry about dehydration. I think our bodies simply adjust around that time to meet the different needs of a toddler as compared to an infant.

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The less he nurses, the less milk you have. All the oatmeal, fenugreek, and whatnot in the world will not make more milk if he isn't nursing as much.


You can try helping him to stay focussed on one side instead of going back and forth, which probably has nothing to do with how much milk he's getting but just a result of being 13mo.:-)


For myself, once my babies fussed with me in the evening around bedtime, I just started putting them to bed. I figured if they were eating solids at dinner time, and we had had warm-fuzzy nursing all during the day, the little darlings were just tired even though they didn't know it.

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I'd not worry about supply at all, and just assume that this was a function of him getting more active and easily distracted. Can you lie down with him and feed him at bed time? Grab a book, and just relax and see if he settles down to a proper feed after a while? I also wouldn't worry about not feeling a let-down.


We've had patches like this with both kiddies - and it also drives me nuts! I persevered though, and dd nursed for over 2 years, ds for over 4yrs.

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When mine was about that age, she was a very acrobatic nurser, and she nursed for only a short time, but she also wanted to nurse VERY often. Five times a day would not have cut it. Maybe it only felt like 500....... But it was all the time. When she was very drowsy, we could get a more thorough nursing session, but she had to be very calm and nothing else going on. He may also have figured out that signing milk may delay bedtime?

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Could it be related to your menstrual cycle? My supply drops significantly sometimes right before it. Also, the switch nursing will help get your supply up. And do offer water, even at bedtime. Sometimes when my daughter gets like that she needs more water. This heat really makes that an issue.

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When mine was about that age, she was a very acrobatic nurser, and she nursed for only a short time, but she also wanted to nurse VERY often. Five times a day would not have cut it. Maybe it only felt like 500....... But it was all the time. When she was very drowsy, we could get a more thorough nursing session, but she had to be very calm and nothing else going on. He may also have figured out that signing milk may delay bedtime?


This was my experience with my nursing toddlers. My first thought was that it is developmental, not low supply.

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This was my experience with my nursing toddlers. My first thought was that it is developmental, not low supply.




Very age appropriate. . . while annoying. :001_huh: I would offer a sippie if you want your lo to take one, but don't stress if he doesn't. Are you nursing on demand or scheduling? If you are nursing on demand, at this point, trust your lo and your body. One of the greatest things about nursing a toddler is the ability to relax. Watch diapers still, yes. But at this point just feed them when they want it, off water in a sippie and know they are ok.


As for fenugreek, I think I was told to take 9 tablets a day for it to work. I know it was a crazy amount . . .

Oatmeal and lots of water usually did it for me though. . .

And for me, this is something my dc for sure did around when I would get my period. I would be annoyed with the behavior and then a day or two later I would get my period and realize why they did it . . .:glare:

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The less he nurses, the less milk you have. All the oatmeal, fenugreek, and whatnot in the world will not make more milk if he isn't nursing as much.


Of course, since you're not being fully, er, "drained", it could be resulting in decreased supply.


Duh!! Of course, that makes total sense. OK, so I started suggesting "snack" time at other times during the day to see what that does, and so far, so good. The regular nursing times, especially for naps & bedtime, have already begun to lengthen. Thank you!


I would offer a sippie if you want your lo to take one, but don't stress if he doesn't.


That was such a huge encouragement and helpful reminder--thanks so much. I've been terribly stressed about his refusal of every type of sippy, along with the nursing issues. So on a lark, I've started giving him water from a kid cup. And he loves it!!! He has started drinking water now whenever I offer it. I guess he's just not a sippy cup kid. Who knew! The reminder to quit stressing was what I needed to hear.


Haven't found the fenugreek yet (the local pharmacist assistant was like, "Um, is that a vitamin?")--but I had oatmeal today. Yeehaw!


Thank you so much, everybody.

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I've been terribly stressed about his refusal of every type of sippy, along with the nursing issues. So on a lark, I've started giving him water from a kid cup. And he loves it!!! He has started drinking water now whenever I offer it. I guess he's just not a sippy cup kid. Who knew! The reminder to quit stressing was what I needed to hear.


My dd nursed for 2 years and never had an interest in sippy cups. She would either drink from a regular cup or a tall cup with a straw.

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