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"Not that I'm racist."

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This made me think of a conversation I had with my high school boyfriend. He was black, and he was the biggest nerd you'd ever want to meet. Really. He's made a great success of himself, but in public high school-- that's just a difficult image to have. We were at our junior prom, and this guy from the "in" crowd walked up to our table and specifically invited him and the one black girl at the table to his after party. Specifically excluding their respective dates. I asked him, "What? Just because you're black makes you cool all of a sudden? What's up with that!" :leaving:


We kept our original after-prom plans. Thinking back, though, I realized how incredibly racist that could sound!

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I HATE this saying! I also hate, "No offense, BUT......" and then listen to something offensive!


People seem to think that if they preface it with something they can then go ahead and say STUPID things!



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Yes, if you have to preface with a statement like that, you need to keep your thoughts to yourself.


My MIL starts off by saying "I don't mean to be ugly, but . . . " and then proceeds to tear people up with her words. It makes me feel like I need a bath.

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Well, I must confess I start sentences like this sometimes (the stupid or rude variations).


Anyway I think about the non-racist warning, the idea is supposed to be that it's only racist if it's not true, and somehow the offensive statement contains this great kernel of truth/wisdom so it's fine. Like, 'Not that I'm a racist, but black women are all so ugly!'

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I HATE this saying! I also hate, "No offense, BUT......" and then listen to something offensive!


People seem to think that if they preface it with something they can then go ahead and say STUPID things!




This is a long standing joke in my family. We say "No offense, but..." and then say something deliberately rude and everyone laughs. :)

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Ah, yes, today as I was registering someone for a new library card I heard the always thoughtful "Not that there is anything wrong with homeschooled kids but.......".:banghead: I had just had to ask her 7 yr old-who was next to her to please get down off the counter and don't touch my screen:glare: You're right it doesn't matter what it's prefacing it always comes across badly!

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I have family like this. It crawls all over me.


Is it kind? Is it thoughtful? Is it the way you think Jesus would talk? If not, then keep your fat trap shut, especially if it is in front of my children.



She was equating light-skinned, blond people with higher moral standards. I was so taken aback when she said it in front of my kids The more I think about it the more horrified I become.

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If you have to preface what you're saying with, "Not that I'm racist," you just might be.



I heard this the other day. :glare:

And some of my best friends are ______.
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She was equating light-skinned, blond people with higher moral standards. I was so taken aback when she said it in front of my kids The more I think about it the more horrified I become.


When something like this happens, I think of this excerpt from HP (6th bk):


"I don't mean to be rude--" he began, in a tone that threatened rudeness if every syllable.


"--yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often," Dumbledore finished the sentence gravely. "Best to say nothing at all, my dear man . . . ."

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She was equating light-skinned, blond people with higher moral standards. I was so taken aback when she said it in front of my kids The more I think about it the more horrified I become.
:svengo: Wow...


When something like this happens, I think of this excerpt from HP (6th bk):


"I don't mean to be rude--" he began, in a tone that threatened rudeness if every syllable.


"--yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often," Dumbledore finished the sentence gravely. "Best to say nothing at all, my dear man . . . ."

:iagree: That's one of my favorite quotes from HP. :001_smile:

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